Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Timing is everything

Just 2 days after our anniversary, Joe ends up back in the hospital. Yep, you read that right. I arrived home from the office today at 5:20pm to find Joe asleep on the couch in the family room. After he woke up, I touched his forehead only to discover him burning up. His temp was 102.7. Since the magic number for fevers and emergency department visits is 100.5 we were off to Duke. We only had to wait in the waiting room for about 15 minutes before he was called into triage and from there straight back to an exam room. They did an EKG, X-ray, drew several tubes of blood for labs and cultures as well as a urine sample. Long story short, there appears to be some type of infection but not sure where so they are admitting him for overnight observation. However, after 4 hours we are still waiting for a room. Joe has nodded off in the exam room and I am sitting here starving. Oh please, oh please let them get him a room soon so I can get some food and he can get good and comfortable and sleep some more. Regardless, it's going to be a long night!

1:00 am update - The transport came to the exam room around 11:20pm and got Joe. I went and got the car from the emergency valet parking and moved the car to the hospital visitors parking lot and then made my way through the tunnel to the hospital. Joe is in room 9320 so of course that is where I found him sitting on the side of the bed like a sad little lost puppy. He never did comment on the fact that I had to carry two heavy bags of his overnight things, battle with the old lady nazi guard on the 1st floor before I could get up to his room. Then finally at midnight I got down to the cafe and got each of us a sandwich. FOOD does a body good.

The doctor was in around 12:20 and said that they are going to do an ultrasound in the morning so no more food for Joe until afterwards. They suspect some inflammation in the area around the stint, possibly caused by some tumor growth. I need Dr. Zafar or Leigh!!

We have a great nurse, Grace Kwan, who brought me my own blue cancer floor socks! They are the bomb!!!!!!!! Not worth a hospital trip but it is one small perk if you have to be here.


  1. Jeff, you ask those nurses for some food. They have food-please don't starve!!

  2. Yes they can get food for you at least back in my nag days we did...

  3. So sorry to hear! Are you still waiting!? I can come by with food! Just let me know. Thinking of you two...

    1. Thanks Rebecca. I know you would come out this late too. You're that kind of special person. However I got a club sandwich and it did the job. Thank you for the offer - Jeff

  4. Thank you, Jeff and glad to hear it. Feel free to call on me next time. just saw the latest update this morning - glad the fever is down...thinking of you guys with the ultrasound today..


Vaccination date set

 This morning at 8 a.m. we began the process of trying to get an appointment date.  I had 3 appointments at the Duke Cancer Center so I was ...