Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Long Day of Nothing Except 15 minutes of Treatment

That's what today was.  Not much of anything happening (not that either of us is complaining mind you) except his 15 minutes of treatment on the antibiotic.  Seems a shame to be here all day watching mindless television for just 15 minutes.  But we do know it's necessary.  We did get the results of the second batch of labs that were done upon our return to the hospital on Thursday and they did not have any bacteria growth.  Negative.  That is a very good thing.  However, since Joe had a fever that spiked at 102.6 last night and had another round of labs done, we will most assuredly be waiting another 48 hours for those results to come back.  What that means is that it will most likely be Monday before he can go home, assuming those labs come back negative and he doesn't have any more relapses.  

Today we took 3 walks.  One before lunch, one after lunch and one after dinner.  The one before lunch was over the new concourse that connects the hospital to the Duke Cancer Center.  Between those two points is where all the current construction is going on.  Above you can see the progress on the new Learning Center for medical students as well as the architectural/artist rendering of the finished project.  My photos don't do it justice.  I'm sure the current and future med students here at Duke are anticipating the opening.  Definitely state of the art.

The second walk was intended to be down to the first floor to look around.  Instead, as soon as we got to the first floor lobby, Joe headed straight over to the baby grande piano and sat down to play.  There were a couple of books containing popular hymns so he just turned to the first familiar one and started playing.  It was only moments before some of the people roaming the lobby, mostly patients, came over and sat down to listen to him.  On his third hymn a gentleman approached and asked if he could sing along with him.  Joe of course said sure, what do you want to sing.  Someone sitting there listening, requested "Amazing Grace" so that's what they did.  Soon after came "Rock of Ages" and the finale was "Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling".  The gentleman, an Irish tenor, was not familiar with that song, so I had to help just a little by first singing the melody (softly) while Joe ran through it one time.  Then the gentleman sang loud and clear when he was ready.  By the time he was at the chorus, I couldn't help but sing along and offer a little harmony.  By then, what was supposed to be our walk, had turned into more of a concert so we excused ourselves and made our way out to the garden courtyard.  The photos below are of Joe at the piano, obviously, as well as the gentleman who sang and a shot of Joe smiling while we were in the courtyard.

Our last excursion of the day was also over the concourse to the DCC. The photos above are of the back side of the DCC, the new hospital wing which is HUGE, and the spires of Duke Chapel in the distance past the construction. You can even make out the Chapel spires over Joe's shoulder.

So today was a 15 minute treatment, 2 walks, 1 piano playing and mindless TV. But once again, I'm not complaining. After the day yesterday, I'll take a little boredom. It was a good day, although we did have to say goodbye to Dr. Mowery. She will be doing a 30 day rotation over at the VA Hospital across the street starting Monday, so we won't be seeing her again. She is such a kind and caring person. We will miss her. Don't get us wrong, we like Dr. Fager and Dr. Peppercorn as well, but she is so easy to talk to and even laughs at Joe's quirky sense of humor. Thanks Yvonne.

So now I will close. No pity party tonight. Susan, Jasmine & Lucie are taking care of Joe (and me) and we are all tucked in for the night. I can already hear Joe's little snores which make me smile.

Maybe tomorrow will be a little more exciting, but in a good way!

Thanks for the caring, prayers and sentiments of concern. Our readers are the best! Bless you.

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Vaccination date set

 This morning at 8 a.m. we began the process of trying to get an appointment date.  I had 3 appointments at the Duke Cancer Center so I was ...