Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Morning after the Emergency Department

Joe slept pretty good last night up here at Duke Hospital. Seemed to be fewer interruptions than normal but I think I just passed out around 2am. I've been up since 6 when they added the latest fluids. They just did vitals and temp is down, BP normal and oxygen level normal. He's had a few doses of antibiotics now. He is scheduled for an ultrasound of abdomen at some point this morning but don't have a specific time. Nurse change has just occurred so Grace has handed off the duties to Heather.

Joe is now watching his usual Good Morning America and just waiting for word on the ultrasound. He can't have any food until after they do that and I'm sure that little turkey wrap from late last night has worn off by now.

Thank you for all the prayers and good wishes. It's been a long 15 hours but we have faith and are hanging in there!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Mr. Lup! I'm praying for his return home ASAP! I hope you guys had a wonderful anniversary as well. From the pictures it looks like you did!


Vaccination date set

 This morning at 8 a.m. we began the process of trying to get an appointment date.  I had 3 appointments at the Duke Cancer Center so I was ...