Monday, October 29, 2012

This is what insanity looks like

This is what insanity looks like!

Joe had his scheduled oncology appointment this morning at 8am and it was there that he got the unfortunate news: the last blood drawn for cultures last week had bacterial growth....on Sunday night. That might explain his 2 fevers yesterday, especially the 102.8 last night. The infection this time however is E. coli. So he is back in the hospital looking at at least a stay until Friday. Also, with this mornings labs, his bilirubin count was at 3.5 instead of the normal .5 that he has hovered around since his last stint placement in January 2011. So the GI folks will be in to talk about doing another ERCP (down his throat to the pancreas) to see if the stint is clogged, moved or whatever might be causing the increased count. We won't know until later when that surgery will be but it will be very soon.

Meanwhile they will start him on new antibiotics to take care of the E. coli and the gram negative rods from last week. We are in a "steel room" again. Just like the one when Joe was in the hospital in December 2010. They are a real pain since you have to push the auto door opener on the wall to open or close. That means lots of light at night when the nurses come in. Arrrggghhhhh!!

My bad mood from yesterday just got worse. To make matters worse, Joe is eating my lunch. Is nothing sacred?

Stay tuned. I'm sure there will be more as more doctors check in.

2:45pm: Joe was taken for an ultrasound.  Got to see what that stint is or isn't doing.  I'm just sitting here watching news on Sandy.

7:00pm:  Joe just left to have a CT scan.  He should be back within the hour.  It's not that far once you take the elevator to the 1st floor.   I'm still watching news on Sandy (there is nothing else on! Arrrrrgggghhhhhh)

Okay, Joe is insisting that I tell this story.  While Joe was gone to get the ultrasound, the doctor came in (same one as last week - Dr. Lee) and thought I was Joe. She started describing what they were planning to do even telling me they would be doing an ultrasound. I said that "he is down getting the ultrasound now. They took him about 30 minutes ago" but that didn't seem to register. It wasn't until I said " I'm not the patient" that it finally dawned on her that I was not Joe. She says, "I'm sorry but you two look so much alike".... I know people start to look like their pets, but I truly do not see any 
resemblance between me and Joe. Oh well.

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