Monday, October 1, 2012

Duke Hospital Visit #2 for the Week

Saturday night/Sunday morning around 12:30am, Joe woke me up from a very heavy dead sleep telling me he needed the quilt.  It took me a while to figure out what he was talking about as we had plenty of cover on the bed.  He was having chills and wanted the quilt that we bought in Fayetteville years ago.  I got up, got the quilt, put it on his side of the bed only because honestly it was not cold in the room and then went and got the thermometer.  I took his temp and it was 100.8 so he took 2 Tylenol (or generics actually).  I then went back to bed and to sleep.  I awakened around 6am when Joe's alarm clock went off for him to get up to get ready for church.  He then told me he was still not feeling well and wouldn't be able to go.  He then called Jay and told him.  I got up, got the themometer and took his temp again.  This time, 101.1.  Joe quietly says that he also took some Tylenol around 4:30-5am.  I fussed at him that that was too soon after taking it at 12:30am, but admittedly, he didn't know what time it was and thought it was earlier in the night.  He then said he would just wait to call the clinic on Monday to speak with Dr. Zafar or Leigh.  I then went in the bathroom, took my shower, came out, dressed and packed 2 small bags.  One with his underwear and comfortable sleep wear and one for me.  I then picked up my bag and told him I would be downstairs when he was ready, that we were not waiting until Monday and were going to Duke that morning.  He mumbled something incoherrent and I went on downstairs.  By 7:20am he was showered and changed and had put his toiletries in his bag and we were off.  We arrived at Duke around 7:45am and were in an exam room before 8am.  While in the emergency department he got fluids, had a full CT scan and had blood drawn for labs and cultures (again).  During the stay there, his temp peaked at one point at 102.1.  It was at that point that they said he was being admitted.  We were up in a room by 4pm and settled having finally eaten around 5pm.  By 6pm however, his chills returned and by 6:45pm his temp had risen from the almost normal at 4pm to 101.7.  At that point, he got some more Tylenol to help.  The rest of the night was uneventful.

The CT scan results did not show any reason for the fevers.  The results as far as tumor growth or spreading, we will have to wait on until we see or hear from Dr. Zafar or Leigh.  So far today he has run a low grade fever in the 99.4 range.  That isn't considered a fever in hospital terms.  After dinner tonight, unless he has another fever spike, they will send him home with antibiotics as a precautionary measure. 

He looks very weak but says other than fatique, he feels fine.  He ate a good breakfast and lunch and maybe will be able to squeeze one more meal out of Duke.  Only time will tell this evening.  The plan is for me to call before I leave work to find out if he's coming home tonight or if I should go by our house and get more overnight things and feed Dolly.  The fevers are a mystery.  One that everyone, even the nurses & doctors are worried about but can't pinpoint a cause.

Thanks for all the inquiries, prayers and outpouring of love.  Both of us greatly appreciate everything that our friends are doing for us.  You are the best!

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