Saturday, January 29, 2011

Joe has now seen all 10 films nominated for "Best Picture"

As most of you are aware, Joe loves movies.  If you have a conversation with him about his "All-Time Favorite Film", you'll hear a long list.  Just like with his all-time favorite songs and books.  We are always laughing about how he can have so many all-time favorites.  But I digress, today we went to see the last of the 10 Best Picture nominated films.  However, I can't seem to pin him down as to which is his favorite this year.  When I asked, he responded, "they are all different".  Well, duh!  If they were the same there wouldn't need to be 10 nominated films would there??   I think he has been able to narrow it down to 2 though, either "The King's Speech" or "Social Network".  In my mind, I think "The King's Speech" has the edge, but we shall see.  The one we saw today, "True Grit", is also a very good film and the acting is superb.  Only complaint, the girl who plays Maddie, Hailee Steinfeld is in every scene in the film and she is nominated for best supporting actress. Really? Supporting?  She is the movie.
Joe is having a great weekend.  Feels great, has gotten out and about and done everything he has wanted to do. Tomorrow we are looking forward to "Out of the Pews" Sunday at PGUMC and then an engagement party for a dear friend tomorrow evening.  He has been very conscientious about checking his blood sugar at the appointed times.  Although his counts are up and down like a roller coaster, we are keeping accurate records so the doctors on Feb. 14th can have a clear picture and possibly adjust his meds.

Our sincere thanks to everyone who has inquired about his health and well-being this week and as always thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and support.

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