Saturday, May 21, 2011

Weekend Update: Here's to a better first of the week!

Joe has had a good rest of the week and weekend so far.  He has however, maybe, possibly, only time will tell, learned that over-eating at one meal is not a good thing for him.  Seems the whole doctor's orders of snacking in between meals has been a hard prescription for him to follow.  Several times over the last week he has ended up with stomach pains following, guess what.....over eating large meals at one sitting.  Yesterday after dinner he was complaining once again about his stomach hurting and confessed that he had gone through a half a bag of potato chips prior to dinner, had eaten half the chips off of my plate before I came downstairs and finished off the rest of the bag with his meal.  Oh, and did I mention the 2 slices of cheesecake?..Didn't think so.  So Friday night he spent laying on the sofa with a stomach ache.  I spent that same time period mowing the grass, which brings me to my 2 problems.  Foot pain and allergies.  Friday's mowing was not without it's own comic moment when I lifted the splash guard from the side gutter to mow around it and discovered the not so small snake curled underneath.  The only thing I had to combat said snake with was the splash guard which I immediately started slamming down on top of the snake, over and over and over. Once the snake seemed to be stunned enough, I rushed (only as fast as the limp would allow) to the garage for the shovel and returned to hack it in to very small pieces.  I even had neighbors stop to witness the execution.  I have made it through this spring relatively unscathed in the allergies department but the last 2 days have been terrible.  I have taken so much allergy and sinus meds that I can almost fall asleep standing up.  Not that I've been standing all that much,...flat of my back with a tissue up my nose has been the pose of the day.

That is not to say that today has been a complete bust.  In between sneezes we managed to go shopping for new suits for each of us. We have the wedding of a very dear friend coming up early next month and needed to have some appropriate attire.  Joe's old suit doesn't fit any longer due to his weight loss and my old suit doesn't fit any longer due to my ever increasing waistline. But we will look very dashing come June 11 for Ms. Di's wedding!

Joe will start back his 3 week regiment of chemo at Duke on Monday morning.  I'm probably more nervous about it than Joe is because it will be the first one where i'm not going with him.  Guess it's the control freak in me but i'm sure I will be a nervous wreak until he calls me when he get's home on Monday.  I'm giving him this one week reprieve of my excellent company, but the following week it will be the 2 of us once again.  Joe is looking forward also to wearing his new jeans and shorts that we got today that actually fit!  No more super baggy!  Can I get an Amen?

Tomorrow will be an early morning at church so hopefully we will get to bed early tonight.  I'm sure it won't take me long to fall asleep as I plan on dosing up on allergy meds again.

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