Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Day Before Thanksgiving

In an effort to keep things as normal as possible, we got up this morning and took off for Hardee's for sausage biscuits.  I know different people like different places, but in the Lupton-Holland household, Hardee's is hands down the best in the sausage biscuit department!  Of course, Joe who is a little in the "unique" department, took his own Borden fat free sharp cheese slices to put on the biscuits.  I maneuvered us over to a corner booth so as not to be seen for this one!

Then we were off to get everything we needed for Thanksgiving.  Usually, since we are traveling during Thanksgiving week, we have done this well in advance, so hitting the stores the day before Thanksgiving was quite a shock to our system.  WOW!  Alot of people wait until the last minute, huh?
First came the grocery store where Joe was in heaven.  Very few things are as thrilling to him as grocery shopping.  I on the other hand am constantly asking, "are we done yet?" This does not go over very well with Joe.
Then we were off to what Joe practically considers holy ground, Costco.  Several food samples later, and we are off with the trunk of the VW full.  Next stop, home....we forgot the Honey Baked Ham store coupon.
And then we were off to the Honey Baked Ham store where the parking lot was full and we were forced to park on the side of the street and walk a block.  At first, we thought this wasn't going to be too bad since there were no lines outside.

Space inside was at a premium however. It took awhile, but eventually we left with our turkey, ham, dressing, and gravy.  Upon retuning home, I raked the leaves in the front yard, Joe assisted by rolling the yard waste cart around for me and we got plenty of fresh air.

Joe feels really good today.  His jaundice appearance is beginning to fade a little, his energy level has gotten much, much better.  For the last 2 weeks at this point during the day, he has been very tired, but each day this week he has been less and less tired.  He even was up until almost 11pm last night (against my urging to go to bed).

We are looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow and are extremely grateful for our friends and family and all the prayers and good thoughts coming our way.


  1. The only thing I would have added to this day to make it a perfect shopping trip would have been to Williams Sonoma for peppermint bark! Happy Bird Day, Gents! Love you both

  2. Glad to hear you are feeling pretty good today, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

    *Jeff (I assume it's you writing the blog), you are an excellent blogger!

    Oh, and just since I saw you'd gone to Dunkin Donuts the other day, I picked up 2 dozen Bavarian Creme donuts for tomorrows breakfast, a Lupton tradition!


Vaccination date set

 This morning at 8 a.m. we began the process of trying to get an appointment date.  I had 3 appointments at the Duke Cancer Center so I was ...