Monday, November 22, 2010

3rd Trip to Duke

Joe's third appointment is today at 11am.  We arrived at 10:50am and Joe was SOOOO excited that we got to use the electronic check-in kiosk.  It remains to be seen as to whether or not this is a time savings measure since the waiting room is crammed to capacity with overflow out in the hall.  He is supposed to have bloodwork done followed by a noon appointment with Dr. Zafar.  Anyone want to place bets on what time his bloodwork is done?  How about the actual Dr. appointment?

UPDATE:  11:03 and he now has a buzzer like you get at Ruby Tuesday...and we wait.
UPDATE:  11:08- called for bloodwork, 11:10 back from bloodwork....and we wait.
UPDATE:  11:30- called to the back for vitals and to see the doctor.  Saw his nurse, Minokah and went over the last weeks details with her.  11:45, she's gone and the doctor is us net....and we wait.
UPDATE:  11:45 - Dr. Zafar came in with the news that in deed the cells that they did get from last weeks procedure were malignant, so we are dealing with pancreatic cancer. The plan of action is to begin chemo as soon as Joe's bilirubin count is down enough to begin.  The plan is chemo/radiation followed by surgery followed by more chemo.  We then met with the radiologist, Dr. Czito and he ordered up more scans for today, 3pm and for Friday, 1pm..  There is the possibility that Joe will begin radiation prior to chemo, if his bilirubin level does not improve quickly enough to begin them simultaneously.  Regardless, we will get started with treatment sooner rather than later.
UPDATE:  2:40pm - Joe is drinking his scan "cocktail" so they can get good images.  He says it doesn't taste bad but rather like there is some rum in it.  But on second thought, it's not like he wants to down it all really quickly.  Next they will start an IV so that more imaging can be done.  This scan takes about an hour.  Neither of us has eaten anything since 8:30 this morning, nor drank anything.  Jeff is being his usual martyr and won't eat anything until Joe can (although as soon as he goes back for the scan, Jeff plans on getting a couple of cookies).  I think tonight might be a good night  for some highly fattening burgers or pizza!

This of course was not the news that we wanted to hear, but it is by no means a surprise.  This is the hand we have been dealt and we will deal with it as best we can...fight it as best we can.  We have been given alot of information today, possibly too much to process at one time. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for Joe and keeping us in their thoughts.  As the doctor advised, we will take it day by day.

P.S.  Joe insisted on getting something to munch on IMMEDIATELY after leaving Duke.  And guess where he wanted to go?????
Yep, straight to Dunkin Donuts..... :)


  1. Sending all my love, well wishes and prayers yall's way! Throw down a burger tonight for me guys! ;)

  2. Hang in there Jeff and Joe. We're all rooting for you! Keep up the good work.

  3. Praying every day. Never give up. God is in control.

  4. Joe,

    Sending lots of prayers "up" for you today. Please know that we are with you in spirit and that we love you.

    Bill and Fredda

  5. Thanks so much for the update. Both of you have been on my mind and in my prayers all day. Let me know if I can help in any way.

  6. Blessings and prayers for you both!

  7. Joe, Our prayers are with you. Ellyn & Ted

  8. praying for you!!

    p.s. Dunkin Donuts are the best -- bavarian cream, yumm!


Vaccination date set

 This morning at 8 a.m. we began the process of trying to get an appointment date.  I had 3 appointments at the Duke Cancer Center so I was ...