Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Red Letter Day

Well actually, it was a Red Symbol day. Today the Supreme Court heard arguments about the repeal of Proposition 8. As the tide of public opinion changes in America (the latest national poll shows 53% of Americans now believe in marriage equality - the number was 40% in 2007), eventually DOMA will be struck down as unconstitutional and everyone, gay or straight, will be considered equal in the eyes of the law with regard to marriage. This equality was something that Joe felt very strongly about. One of the reasons, besides the fact that he loved me, that he wanted to get married in 2011 was because he hoped that someday DOMA would be officially ruled illegal and that I might be able to get his retirement benefits as well as Social Security. While that isn't exactly the most romantic of reasons to get married, it was a reason born out of love and concern for me. I'm not delusional enough to think that the hearing of today's case before the Supreme Court will have any immediate effect on my life, or possibly will ever effect me. However, it is a first step towards equality. That equality was something that Joe was extremely passionate about. He was uncompromising in that passion too. Early on in our relationship he was very upfront with anyone and everyone about us. Sometimes even to the point that it caused me concern. In the public school system teachers have to be careful about how they are viewed by students, parents, coworkers and administration. However, from the very beginning I was introduced to everyone as his partner. Meeting his principle in 1999 for the first time, that is how he introduced me. Subsequently, the two principles that followed were introduced to me the same way. Most every parent of a student that I met, knew me as Joe's partner, as did his students. I worried this would cause him problems at work. If it ever did, he never let on. He loved me and was very proud of our relationship and then our marriage. Joe was anxious for today to come. Were he still here, he would be scouring the Internet for news.  Only time will tell, but regardless, we are one step closer as the nation is forced to confront their feelings and fears about marriage equality. Why some fear it?...I have no idea. I would venture a guess that there isn't a single married couple in the USA whose marriage was adversely affected by mine and Joe's marriage on August 19, 2011.

Facebook today has been a flutter with the red equality symbol as people show support for marriage equality.  It has been beautiful to watch.

Since last weeks post not much has happened.  My weekend was filled with laundry and basketball.  This is the one time a year when Joe and I didn't do much together.  Joe tolerated my Duke basketball obsession.  He never complained and always let me watch games.  He of course would be reading, on the computer or talking on the phone.  Another way he showed me love:  not complaining during tournament time.  Besides an ongoing ordeal with Duke Energy, the last few days have been uneventful.  But that is okay.

Thank you to everyone who continues to keep me in their thoughts and prayers.  This week I have had the joy to reconnect with a wonderful friend who I haven't seen in a while.  Thanks Rebecca for reaching out.  I see a dinner in our near future when you are feeling better.   As I said before, the red equality symbol has been everywhere today and it has made me smile.  Some have been very inventive, but these are my two favorites.  Can you guess which one Joe would like best?  If you knew him, it would be easy.   Much, much love and a heaping pile of gratitude!

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