Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Quick Post Before Bedtime

If you read my post from earlier in the week, you know this has been an emotional week for me. (so what is is new, right?)  Yeah, I know same story different week.  But as the week wore on, nothing really got better.  Especially my oncoming cold or allergies.  I haven't been able to figure out which it is.  Early in the week I had sinus headaches so I knew there was going to be at least one day of a runny nose coming as the pressure built.  By Thursday I was sneezing and sneezing and the nose was running. So since then I've been taking a little extra allergy medication and some cold stuff to be on the safe side.  At least I've been sleeping well!  

This morning after watching one of my "all time favorite movies" (Sabrina, the remake with Harrison Ford, not the original with Audrey Hepburn) I drove to Greenville to spend the day with Joe's mom and go to Brittany's 14th birthday celebration dinner.  Oh boy, did I eat.  It's been more than 3 hours and I am still stuffed beyond belief.  I had a really nice time talking with Joe's mom all afternoon.  We seem to be able to comfort each other.   After dinner, I took her home and then drove on back to Durham.  Now I'm sitting here watching b-ball and waiting for the cold medication to click on and drowsiness to arrive.

Tomorrow will be a one service Sunday for me at PGUMC.  I'm just going to do the 8:30am service and then head home.  Jill is out of town so there is no one to have breakfast with and I need to trim the limbs on the trees in the backyard so I might as well get it done early so I will have the afternoon to nap.  Not much better than a Sunday afternoon nap.

Next week will be a week more like I've been used to with a counseling session mid week and lots of listings coming on the market (I've already been warned by several agents at the office -  Whoopee!!! ...please note the sarcasm!)

A big thank you to everyone who has checked in with me and reached out this week.  I am lucky to have such caring people in my life.  Please continue to keep me in your prayers.


  1. Missed you today! Check out our boys on

  2. Thanks Lindsay. I guess #4 didn't arrive yet. I have my fingers crossed for you this week. Give a call if you need anything.


Vaccination date set

 This morning at 8 a.m. we began the process of trying to get an appointment date.  I had 3 appointments at the Duke Cancer Center so I was ...