Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Sure Did Miss the Duke Clinic Today.......NOT!

I wasn't able to go with Joe today so I can only report on his oncology and chemo appointments second hand.  Apparently he got his blood work and chemo appointment done in record time and even was up in chemo starting his infusion 15 minutes before his appointment time.  If I didn't know better I would think there is a conspiracy going on.  When I'm with him we run 2 hours late, when I'm not, he get's out early. Apparently his oncology appointment was uneventful even though he has gained 3 lbs (YEA!).  However, up in the chemo infusion center they had trouble getting a vein to use and had to stab him 3 times before getting it right.  His arm has some nice purple on it.  He is supposed to be using his moist heating pad on his arms on a regular basis to help the veins, but hasn't been doing it.  Maybe after today, he will do what he is supposed to do instead of just laying around watching TV.
Next week is his off week so he will have his next chemo appointment on Monday Aug. 22 and have a CT scan on Aug. 25 to see what the status of his tumor is.  Until then I guess there will be a lot more lounging on the sofa.  The post below this one is an article that was on today about the construction and opening of the new Duke Cancer Clinic.  It will be nice to see it done next February and get to use the new spacious facility.


  1. I enjoy the reads. Keep on keeping on! Keep fighting the good fight!

    Best ...Chris

  2. Joe-would it help your veins expand if you hydrated really well before you went to the hospital to have blood drawn? I hope your next treatment and following report are excellent! In one week, I will be making my journey to our home in Alabama.


Vaccination date set

 This morning at 8 a.m. we began the process of trying to get an appointment date.  I had 3 appointments at the Duke Cancer Center so I was ...