Friday, February 18, 2011

24 Hours & 15 Minutes at Duke Emergency Department....

That's how long it took for Joe to get a regular room up on the 9th floor...But wait, before you ask what room.  Upon my return from home with his toiletries and clothes, and unpacking everything, they tell us he is moving to the 2nd floor tonight.  The 2nd floor is the surgical floor and since as of right now he is still scheduled for his surgery on Tuesday the 22nd of Feb, they figured they would go ahead and get him set up down there.  Sooooo I re-packed everything and now we wait in his room on the 9th floor to go to his room on the 2nd floor.  Yesterday and this morning we couldn't get a room and now he has 2 of them!  I (Jeff) have not slept for 38 hours and am pooped so this will have to be a very brief post.  They are doing the ERCP tomorrow to see if they can identify where his apparent infection is coming from. Oh wait, I forgot to tell you all that.  That's why we are here.  Great storytelling Jeff :(   Yesterday (Thursday) morning, Joe started having chills and running a fever. He monitored his temp all day and in the afternoon after it topped 101, he called the triage nurse in Oncology. She promptly told him to go to the Emergency Dept..  So I left work, we arrived at 4pm. and waited until midnight before getting into an exam room in the dept.  And that is where we stayed until 4:15pm today when a room on the 9th floor opened up.  So here we are at 7:45pm waiting to change rooms and floors.  Once I wake up tomorrow, I will update as to where he is.

Thanks as always to everyone's best wishes and prayers.  We both love and appreciate all of you.

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Vaccination date set

 This morning at 8 a.m. we began the process of trying to get an appointment date.  I had 3 appointments at the Duke Cancer Center so I was ...