Thursday, June 7, 2012

CHeMo SidE SToRy

This morning was Joe's last chemo infusion for this cycle. He will now get a week off.(not much of a break, huh?). But we will take what we can get. He won't have any dealings with the doctors at Duke until the 20th when he has his next CT scan. But this time he has a regular doctors appointment the next day on the 21st so we won't have days of waiting and worrying about what the results will be. This time, less than 24 hours. I like that.

But what does chemo side story mean? I can hear the masses asking. Well that was Joe's idea since we are seeing "West Side Story" tonight at DPAC. Joe had it all worked out in his head. Dinner first at Cuban Revolution at ATC, then walk across the street for the show. Only problem, he forgot to make a reservation. DPAC show + Durham Bulls + restaurant week = no seating available. So next plan: leftovers at home followed by drive to DPAC. Maybe not as exciting as Cuban Revolution, but ALOT cheaper!

This is Joe Typing:
I really enjoyed seeing the professional tour of WEST SIDE STORY at DPAC. I was music director/pianist for the Fayetteville Youth Theatre production of it back in the early 80's, saw a dinner theatre production of it, and saw the North Carolina Theatre perform it a couple of times, but this was the first time seeing it like it was done on Broadway. This has always been one of my favorite musicals. I used to show the movie to my Stedman Junior High School general music students yearly so I have probably seen it over 100 times! I never tire of listening to Leonard Bernstein's music. Still totall exciting after over 50 years. The choreography was absolutely wonderful. I was wondering how it would be with Spanish dialogue inserted with the English, but this worked well and gave it a new authenticity. This tour was based on the production recently directed by the playwright, Arthur Laurents who also did the Streisand movie, The Way We Were and The Turning Point, two of my favorites! Jeff is not as big as a fan of it like I am, but I'm glad he agreed to go with me. He did enjoy the dancing and Maria's voice. The worst part was the 30 minutes it took to get out of the parking deck because of the Bulls baseball game being over at the same time. There was a lot of cussing going on with the drivers (but not Jeff)! --end of Joe's typing, Friday, June 8, blog addition.

Joe's treatment went well today, although slow. Best part, he only had to be stuck one time by the nurse for his infusion. Any day without multiple stabs is a good thing. This weekend will be a quiet one with no special plans. Maybe extra nap time? Probably not. More likely extra mowing and working in the yard time. I sure do miss townhome living!
Thank you to everyone for your good wishes and prayers. Both of us are very appreciative.

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