Tuesday, July 1, 2014

48 Hours to VACATION!!!!!!!

Even at the glacial place that the month of June moved, it’s hard to believe that it’s already July.  The year is half over.  Is that a pessimistic point of view like the glass is half empty?  I guess a more positive point of view might be we are half way to Christmas!  Assuming everyone looks forward to Christmas.  My verdict is still out on that one.  But I digress.  July is here!  You know what that means?….VACATION!  Just 2 more days and I’m free for the next 10 days.  I am so, so, so ready!   Holden Beach, here I come.  

June was a month that appeared to be spiraling down the drain, at least as far as my mood and attitude.  Although I could recognize with my head what I was doing, I was unable to stop myself.  Daily, almost hourly, I could feel myself pulling away.  Withdrawing into myself each and every day.  I didn’t go to the Y any.  I didn’t go out after work any.  I didn’t see anyone outside of work unless I had too.  I got up each weekday morning at my usual 6:15am and went to work.  On Mondays and Fridays I left work in Raleigh at 6:00pm and drove home, arriving by 6:30pm, ate dinner and would be up in the bedroom by 8:00pm and would either read or watch TV in bed until sleep overtook me.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I woke up at the appointed 6:15am, went to work and left work in Chapel Hill at 5:00pm arriving home by 5:30pm.  On those days, I could eat and be upstairs in bed by 7:00pm.  As exciting as the week days were, the weekends were even more so.  I went two weekends and didn’t even go outside from the time I got home on Friday evening until I left for work on Monday morning.  Now that is a thrilling existence, huh?  So, maybe a week at the beach will be just what the doctor ordered.  And speaking of doctor, during the excitement that was June, I did manage to have my annual physical.  With the exception of slightly elevated blood pressure (does your blood pressure increase as you get older??? I’ve never had BP issues before), all was well.  Blood work came back good with decreased cholesterol levels and even my PSA was within normal range.  The doctor was very happy with my weight also, but I did have a Big Mac for lunch that day afterwards!  That’s another thing that June brought….I ate A LOT!  2 pounds heavier as of this writing.  Just another reason to SNAP OUT OF IT.

Okay, okay.  Enough moaning and groaning about being down.  It’s 48 hours to VACATION!  Although this will be my first trip to Holden Beach without Joe since many, many years before we met, I'm determined to make it a good one.  New memories, new laughs, new suntan.  Will there be photos?  Maybe, if I can come in out of the sun long enough. 

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