As is our tradition, we high tail it out of town for Thanksgiving. Not that we have anything against family get togethers but we have come to enjoy just making Thanksgiving our own, alone. So for the last 8 or 9 years we have left town during the Holiday week. We have gone to Vegas a few times, Alexandria (VA), various locations in the mountains, Williamsburg and this year Myrtle Beach. Last year, since Joe had just had his stint put in the week before, our trip to Tennessee didn't happen so this year we were determined to get back on track, and we did. Since PGUMC was hosting the inter-faith Thanksgiving service we couldn't leave until Wednesday, but since Myrtle Beach isn't that far away, it worked out fine. However, just getting out of town almost became an issue. When we left the house Wednesday morning, we had to make a quick stop by the local pharmacy and on the way from the pharmacy to get onto I-40, a car pulled out and hit me on Hwy 54. Not a good start. However, luckily there was just a couple of scrapes on the rubber wheel guards so I just told the non English speaking person to just go on and we got back in my car and were on our way. From there on it was smooth sailing and we made good time, getting to N. Myrtle Beach soon after lunch time. From there on we had a great time. Out to dinner on Wednesday night, our Thanksgiving lunch with turkey and all the trimmings on Thursday, and then a movie Thursday evening. We got to sleep late every day (the best part), caught another movie on Friday and then took our time returning home on Saturday evening. Sprinkled in among all the relaxation was a little beach and sounds of the waves and it made for a great Thanksgiving.

Click on Photo to make larger.
Nothing beats a sunset on the beach.
On the way back home we stopped in Hope Mills to see my family and to wish my sister, Phyllis, a Happy Birthday (Saturday was her birthday). It was a short visit but it was nice to see everyone and get to have a few laughs with all of them.
Tomorrow I'm back at work after a week off, so you can imagine just how much I'm looking forward to that. This Friday afternoon Joe has his next CT Scan at Duke, so we should find out the results at next Monday's doctors appointment before his chemo treatment. We have our fingers crossed and are saying extra prayers that this report is as good as the last one.
Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and concern. We love and thank each and everyone of you for all you have done for us.
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