Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Stress is what happens when an emotional control freak has no control. Example: We are having the exterior trim on the house painted and the siding, patio, and driveway power washed. After that we are having the interior painted. Thus far the exterior repairs (there were some areas of rot) and the power washing are complete. The day the repairs were done, I came home to find the entire rear gutters laying in the back yard wher we had just had the yard aerated and over seeded. Delicate new blades of tiny grass coming up and not needing to be squashed. So I fussed at Joe and asked why they didn't put the gutters on the patio, response-- I don't know. Today I come home after the power washing and EVERY PIECE OF WOODEN PATIO FURNITURE AND POTTED PLANT is sitting in the back yard. Can you say Dead New Grass??? The also ruined the doorbell causing an indoor electrical problem. Even the garbage cans that sit on the side concrete pad were sitting in the yard instead of on the concrete. What's up with that?? Fortunately I was home alone after dropping Joe off at TGMC rehearsal when I had my MELTDOWN! However, my question to Joe is "where are you when they are finishing up for the day and why don't you ask them to put the crap back where they found it???"

It wasn't pretty. I was loud, I was not a nice person. I can only pray that when I come home tomorrow after they start painting inside that I don't have a repeat performance. Joe won't have anywhere to hide to be out of the line of fire. Stress can be UGLY.

This is Joe's non-chemo week so he has felt pretty good so far since he hasn't had to go to Duke. However he has said he has felt like he was being held hostage here at the house since he has been here either waiting for or while the workmen were here. But apparently he never looks to see what they are doing ( I had to get that one dig in).

Thank you to everyone for their continued prayers. We are both very appreciative.

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