Believe it or not we arrived on time for our 7 am appointment. We couldn't get the scanner to work for check in so Joe had to go to the front desk. It was a good thing the scanner wasn't working, because we were at the wrong clinic. We are so used to his appointments being on Monday, we were on auto-pilot and went to clinic 1A instead of 1B. We hightailed it down the hall and around the corner and managed to get checked in quickly. Joe was called for his blood work at approximately 7:20am and we were back in an exam room by 8:30 am. All this on a day when we we're expecting to be really behind. Finished up with the doctors appointment around 8:55 am (Joe gained another 2 lbs this week...Yea! ) and after waiting in the check out line, and having this little old lady just ignore the two 6 foot plus men standing there and cut in line (I almost lost it with her) we finally checked out and were upstairs at 9:15 am for his 9:15 am Chemo infusion! A first. We have never made it up there on time. Of course we had to wait a little while before his buzzer went off but not nearly the amount of time we were expecting. Joe was getting stuck for his IV by 9:45 am and the Chemo treatment infusion began shortly afterward.

Joe has been reading a book the entire time while I have read some, watched part of a movie on Netflix, played Angry Birds and sent some emails. Can you tell my attention span is short today? Even though we did get in much quicker than we had thought, they were definitely right about being especially busy today. They were short on empty chairs today....lots of chemo partners!
Joe even got his juice during his chemo this week......and he had a handful of cookies while in the waiting room which of course is his favorite part and seems to make the chemo trip an adventure for him. Before too long his IV pump started beeping and after about a 10 minute flush of the line, he was disconnected and we headed home where we were greeted by lots of day lilies at the house. Love it when they go into full bloom.
After dropping Joe off at home, changing clothes, I headed off to work and managed to make it there by 11:30am. All in all, things went according to plan, or even better. Who would have thunk it?
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