Saturday, December 31, 2011

Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot.......

As 2011 draws to a close, please indulge me while I reminisce about the good and the bad parts of the year. I think I'll start with the bad, or at least not so good parts. Of course, Joe's pancreatic cancer took "center stage" much of the time. Early in the year he finished his radiation and first round of chemotherapy. He had gotten through this with very little side effects. We then had a 6 week waiting period before he was to have his surgery. Just 6 days before his scheduled operation he developed an infection and was hospitalized after more than 24 hours in the emergency department at Duke. We played a game of switching rooms before we took up permanent residence on the surgical floor. Joe had the surgery on schedule on that Tuesday but the surgeon could not remove the tumor due to it's attachment to an artery. He did however remove his gall bladder and "re-design his stomach" in case the tumor should start to grow and block the colon. Joe remained in the hospital for 8 more days before coming home. Unfortunately, he was only home for 2 weeks before he was back at the emergency department (only 8 hours this time) and subsequently admitted for a post op infection. This stay was just 6 days but ended up with him coming home with a wound vac. The trauma that caused when it malfunctioned is not something I'll ever forget. (imagine me having to remove the vac from his open incision and then stick my hand back inside him to pack the opening with gauze......I still have nightmares). And of course we can't forget that during this time I was hobbling around with 2 fractures & a torn ligament in my left foot from a fall the day after he came home from the hospital. But after that, it was smooth sailing for a few months.

Once Joe was fully recovered from the surgery, he started back on chemo. He has 1 treatment per week for three weeks, then one week off. After that, it starts over again. He has done well, even gaining a little weight in the process. Weight however isn't the only thing he gained. He also acquired a hernia, a big hernia. We saw two surgeons (I did NOT like the first one) and unless Joe develops any problems we will just let it go for now. He did get a binder to wear around his waist to help hold the hernia in somewhat. He continues to do well with the chemo and his two most recent CT Scans have shown no growth of the tumor.

We managed to get a real week of vacation at the beach this summer and as the warm weather was drawing to a close, we made a trip to Connecticut (thanks Bill & Sandy for getting us there and back) where one of Joe's college roommates and his wife, Rob and Lola Hugh live. There we also did something we have talked about for years...we got married. It was the most wonderful day of both our lives and not a day has gone by since then that I haven't thought about that day and what it has meant to us. We will never be able to thank Lola and Rob enough for making all the arrangements and putting it all together so perfectly for us. We have so many photos from that whirlwind trip and will have a video to go along with them soon. Labor day brought a quick trip to Surf City to visit friends, Thanksgiving was a trip to Myrtle Beach to relax and Christmas was a trip to both Greenville to see Joe's family and a trip to Hope Mills to see mine. Our traditional holiday trips the year before had all been canceled due to Joe's diagnosis so this year we were determined to do what we have traditionally done. Cancer be damned!!

There have been many highs and many lows this year but one thing has remained constant, the love that Joe and I have for one another. Actually one other thing has remained constant, the love, caring and prayers from our friends and from Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church. PGUMC has been so supportive and loving. Regardless of what the future brings, Pleasant Grove has made an indelible mark on both our lives.

Last year in the final post, I said good riddance to 2010. Although 2011 has been a rough year and there are certain things I wish hadn't happened or had turned out differently, there were so many wonderful and loving times that I am sorry to see it end. I'll just say good-bye to 2011 and hope that 2012 brings as many happy memorable moments. If we get that, it will be a great year.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Twas the Week Before Christmas and Jeff STILL has a Cold

That is my only defense for not posting anything in so long.  I have been battling a cold since early last week.  By this past Friday I had to leave work at lunch time and came on home.  I basically stayed in bed or laying on the couch from Friday at 1pm until we got up Sunday to go to church. (we get up at 6am - Joe has to be there at least an hour before the 8:30 service to practice the organ).

Last week was a huge week for Joe.  He had his regular doctor and chemo appointment on Monday the 12th.  It went well but we were told that his white blood cell count was down as well as his neutrophil count.  The neutrophil count is important because if it drops below 1.0 then they will either have to stop his chemo treatments for awhile or at the very least decrease the dosage.  On the 12th his was at 1.2, not much room for error.  So they tell us for him to be sure and be careful about being around anyone sick and if he should develop a sore throat or a slight fever, to call them at once.  Of course, that Monday is the same day my cold started kicking in. It made for an interesting week trying to keep my distance here in the same house.  However, Joe had a busy week of preparing for the church choir's Christmas music as well as his 4th Annual "Christmas Piano by Candlelight" concert.  Both of which were this past Sunday.

First the choir's performance.  They were magnificent!  I don't use the term lightly either so please believe me when I say it.  Never have they sounded so wonderful and the sanctuary been filled with more beautiful music.    Everyone in the congregation for both the 8:30am service (I did not attend except to take photos) and the 11:00am service was mesmerized.  Joe had arranged for a string quartet, french horn, flute, clarinet, piano and organ to accompany the choir and the sound was so full and glorious.  I wish everyone could have been there to hear it.  I was so proud of Joe and the entire choir.  I still smile thinking about it.

Even Jill was a "trooper" and agreed to put on one of the choir robes.  She played the piano beautifully and we are so grateful to her for stepping up once again and helping Joe out.  

Once the 11:00am service was over, it was time to transform the sanctuary for Joe's candlelight piano concert and then for him to practice some on the piano.
This is only 50 seconds of a couple of hours of rehearsal at the church on Sunday afternoon.  However, it paid off big time as his concert was a resounding triumph (yes, I know I'm getting carried away with the praise, but I can't think of another way to describe it).  Thank you so much to the 170+ people who came out Sunday night for the concert as well as the 3 people (Rob, Lola & Bert) in Connecticut who we Skyped in on my iPad2. They had the best seats in the house.  Lola referred to them as the "Royal Box Seats".  I have heard from several people about how nice it was to spend an evening listening to his beautiful music and to just slow down for an evening during this holiday rush time.  Afterwards, the senior high youth had arranged a reception for Joe in the fellowship.  They went all out with multi-colored lights hung around the walls and wonderful refreshments.  A big thank you to all of those that put forth such effort to make the reception happen.   Sunday was certainly a long day at church. I counted the number of hours we spent there on Sunday and it was more than 10.  Needless to say, we both got lots of religion that day.

Yesterday, Monday the 19th, Joe had his last doctors appointment of 2011.  We were a little nervous about what his white blood cell and neutrophil counts would be since I had been sick around him all week, but it turned out ok.  Actually better than ok.  His white count was up a point and his neutrophil was at 1.7 so he was able to have his usual chemo infusion without any change.  YAY!

This weekend at PGUMC we will have 2 Christmas Eve services.  The one at 4:00pm is geared toward families and is a lot of fun as it is interactive with all the kids in the church.  The 7:00pm service will be a more traditional communion service.  If someone is looking for somewhere to spend a lovely evening on Saturday, please consider the door at Pleasant Grove open and welcoming for you to stop in.   On Sunday, we will have one 11:00am service and then Joe and I will be off to Greenville to have Christmas lunch with his family and exchange gifts.  Then on Monday we will be in Hope Mills with my family.  A bit different than we typically do Christmas but we are very grateful that we are able to travel this Christmas like we have always done.  Last year with Joe just getting out of the hospital and undergoing his radiation treatments, both families had to come here.  It's much easier for 2 people to travel than it is for 9.

Joe and I both hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year.  We are so very grateful for all our friends and family and the prayers and good wishes that we have felt all year long.  Although this has been a difficult year, we have grown closer and have never felt more loved and cared for in all our lives.  Thank you for the gift of love that everyone has given us.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wanna See Something Gorgeous?

So do you?  Well just take a look at the photo below.
Isn't that tree gorgeous?  And yeah, Joe looks nice too! He's all dolled up in his tuxedo for the TGMC Christmas Concert.  Tonight it was in Durham and on Sunday it is in Raleigh at 3pm at St. Marks Episcopal Church.  Tonight's concert was wonderful.  The chorus sang beautifully and of course Joe was great on the piano.  If anyone doesn't have plans on Sunday afternoon, I highly recommend a drive to St. Marks.   Of course no show is complete without a wardrobe malfunction.  Tonight it was Joe.  After the show he comes walking up with half of his vest hanging off his shoulder.  It was very Janet Jacksonesque.  As soon as we got home I had to get the old needle and thread out so he doesn't cause a scandal tomorrow in Raleigh.

Thanks to everyone who came out tonight to support the chorus and see Joe, especially Doris, Scott & Ken. It was great to see all of you.  Joe and I continue to be very grateful for all the prayers and good wishes.  We are so grateful this holiday season for our wonderful friends.  Your support continues to mean so much to us.

Monday morning we will be off to Duke for Joe's 7:20am doctor and chemo appointments.  

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The picture below should say it all with regard to the results of Joe's latest CT Scan.
Joe is all smiles and so am I that the CT scan done of Friday showed no growth of the tumor. STATUS QUO.  It was a long anxious weekend waiting for this morning and the results.  But it was worth it for these results.  A few more months before we have to worry about another scan.  Now we can both relax a little and enjoy the Holiday Season.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers, thoughts and concerns.  Someone is listening.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Photos 2011

We've both been working all day (well Joe has, I finished up my part about 2 hours ago), but he is finishing up the 2nd Christmas tree.  Yes ladies and gentlemen, we have two trees.  The tree in the living room is the white one with uniform lights and ornaments and the family room tree is the one that Joe gets to put all the assorted ornaments that he has collected over the years.  That one is a green one.  Then throughout the house are assorted decorations that the 2 of us have collected over the years together.  Joe's favorites however are his Christmas trolls which he has had for eons.  He insists on them coming out every year.  I've posted the photos of  our decorated home on a link on the right hand side of this page, but they can also be accessed by clicking here.

Christmas is Joe's absolutely favorite time of year.  He loves all the decorations and I get used to them after awhile.  If he had his way they would stay up through the entire winter, maybe even into spring.  I have to put my foot down after "old Christmas" and I slowly start putting stuff away.  But for now, we will enjoy the color and the festive atmosphere that the Christmas decor brings.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

CT Scan tomorrow but tonight, Paul Simon

Tomorrow afternoon Joe will have his 3rd CT Scan since he started his post surgical chemo treatments. The last scan showed no growth of the tumor but we won't know the results of this scan until Monday at Joe's oncology appointment at Duke. It will be a long weekend. However, tonight we go to the Paul Simon concert at DPAC. Joe has been looking forward to this for a long time. Not that he hasn't seen him in concert before, but Mr. Simon is one of his "all-time favorites". (He has lots of those). I had hoped to post at least one photo from the concert but Joe's phone takes such crappy photos that it's not worth even trying. We are home now (finally - its 11pm) and Joe really enjoyed the concert. I'm really glad he got to see Paul Simon in concert again.

The rest of the weekend will be decorating the house with Christmas decorations. Joe has finished one tree but still has one to go. I have the rest of the downstairs to work on. We need to get it done so we can get the decoration boxes out of the garage so Joe can get his car back in.

Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts everyone has been sending our way. You are all much appreciated.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011 Version

As is our tradition, we high tail it out of town for Thanksgiving.  Not that we have anything against family get togethers but we have come to enjoy just making Thanksgiving our own, alone. So for the last 8 or 9 years we have left town during the Holiday week.  We have gone to Vegas a few times, Alexandria (VA), various locations in the mountains, Williamsburg and this year Myrtle Beach.  Last year, since Joe had just had his stint put in the week before, our trip to Tennessee didn't happen so this year we were determined to get back on track, and we did.  Since PGUMC was hosting the inter-faith Thanksgiving service we couldn't leave until Wednesday, but since Myrtle Beach isn't that far away, it worked out fine.  However, just getting out of town almost became an issue.  When we left the house Wednesday morning, we had to make a quick stop by the local pharmacy and on the way from the pharmacy to get onto I-40, a car pulled out and hit me on Hwy 54.  Not a good start.  However, luckily there was just a couple of scrapes on the rubber wheel guards so I just told the non English speaking person to just go on and we got back in my car and were on our way.  From there on it was smooth sailing and we made good time, getting to N. Myrtle Beach soon after lunch time.   From there on we had a great time.  Out to dinner on Wednesday night, our Thanksgiving lunch with turkey and all the trimmings on Thursday, and then a movie Thursday evening.  We got to sleep late every day (the best part), caught another movie on Friday and then took our time returning home on Saturday evening.  Sprinkled in among all the relaxation was a little beach and sounds of the waves and it made for a great Thanksgiving.
Click on Photo to make larger.
Nothing beats a sunset on the beach.

On the way back home we stopped in Hope Mills to see my family and to wish my sister, Phyllis, a Happy Birthday (Saturday was her birthday).  It was a short visit but it was nice to see everyone and get to have a few laughs with all of them.

Tomorrow I'm back at work after a week off, so you can imagine just how much I'm looking forward to that. This Friday afternoon Joe has his next CT Scan at Duke, so we should find out the results at next Monday's doctors appointment before his chemo treatment.  We have our fingers crossed and are saying extra prayers that this report is as good as the last one.

Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and concern.  We love and thank each and everyone of you for all you have done for us.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Early Day at Duke and Jeff has a Week Off!

Late to bed, early to rise makes for a massive need for coffee.  I napped a lot Sunday afternoon and then last night found it difficult to sleep.  Not sure if one had anything to do with the other but it definitely made for a sluggish morning getting to Joe's 7:30am appointment at Duke Oncology.  But we made it with 10 minutes to spare.  Plenty of time for me to go get my coffee and Joe's large diet lemonade from the food court.   Blood was drawn promptly at 7:30 and now we wait for the call back to the exam room to see Leigh Howard or Dr. Zafar.  I'm thinking Leigh, but regardless I hope we are running on time.

From here we have a trip to King's Sandwich shop (Joes choice) but I'm pulling for the Atrium Cafe at Duke Hospital.  Best chicken strips ever!  Then we plan various trips that could include Costco, Pleasant Grove UMC, Target, DPAC, Honeybaked Ham store, Harris Teeter and a couples of other places that are slipping my mind.  We probably won't make it home until dark at this point.

Been awhile since I've been to chemo with Joe except by FaceTime.  Not that I've missed it mind you but this week Joe won't have much of a chance to be away from me.....ahhhhhh togetherness.

We have the interfaith Thanksgiving service at PGUMC on Tuesday night and then we leave Wednesday morning for 4 days at Myrtle Beach. A nice quiet Thanksgiving filled with catching up with movies (Breaking Dawn, Descendents, Moneyball, etc). But right now it's 8:24 and we are still in waiting room...waiting...hence the name of the room I guess.

Not a big crowd here yet so still hopeful of being on time, although buzzers are going off all around us, just not Joe's.  We did get back to the exam room around 8:45 and got to see both Leigh and Dr. Zafar!   His lab work was within normal ranges or at least what they expect it to be (he's a little anemic) and much to his dismay, he's gained 4 more pounds.  We didn't quite make it up to chemo on time so we had more than an hour wait.  But look how cute Joe looks with all those tubes plugged into him :)

We were out of there by noon, but didn't get home until 3:45pm after running all the errands.  But since it was still daylight, I took the opportunity to rake up more leaves that have fallen from the trees in the front yard since Saturday.  I'm sure we will have to rake a couple of more times before all is said and done.

All in all a very nice day even if 5 hours were spent at the Duke Clinics.  Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and good thoughts.  If anyone is free on Tuesday evening, please join us at Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church at 7:30pm for the interfaith Thanksgiving service.  Joe and I have so much to be thankful for this year.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sleep Does a Body Good! (plus Joe Finally Speaks!)

It's been more than a little over a week since the last post, mainly due to lack of anything to really talk about.  Joe's car has been fixed at the 75% smaller fee than the VW dealership quoted. YAY!  Joe also took a couple of days to attend a music conference in Winston-Salem from Sunday afternoon through Tuesday morning.  He got back by lunch time on Tuesday.  This is a conference he has attended since he was a Junior in college but had to miss last year since it was around the same time as we had gotten his cancer diagnosis and we were contemplating his treatment.  He came home quite happy from getting to see a lot of people he has seen on a regular basis over the last 30+ years.  Although I was worried the whole time he was gone, I'm very glad he had the chance to get away.

I spent most of the time he was gone in bed dealing with a cold.  There is however, something to be said about plenty of bed rest and I sure did get a lot of it.  Feeling better the last couple of days.

The rest of the week and weekend should be rather routine except for preparing for a trip away from home next week during Thanksgiving.  It has always been our practice to get away for the holiday usually for a week.  This holiday however we will only be away 4 days since PGUMC is hosting an area community of faith Thanksgiving service on Tuesday night.  We'll leave early on Wednesday for Myrtle Beach and come back on Saturday night.  I'm taking the whole week off next week so there will be plenty of "together" time.

His next Chemo treatment at Duke will be the Monday before Thanksgiving, Nov. 21st.

Thank you for all your continued prayers, thoughts and much needed support.

4:46pm Thursday Update: P.S.  Joe promised that he would write this post and when he hadn't done anything in 2 days, I went ahead and posted something.  He then promised to edit it some and add some info from his trip or something.  Another 24 hours has passed and he STILL hasn't done anything.  Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get him to not be such a procrastinator?

Joe's Late Posting (Posted by Joe):
Though I hated leaving Jeff for 48 hours, I did have a wonderful time at the NC Music Educators Fall Conference in Winston-Salem.  I drove there in my finally fixed 2001 VW Beetle.  It drove as good as new though the ceiling is still trying to come down (Jeff stapled it up a year ago) and duct tape is keeping the holes in the seat at bay and the door panel from coming loose.

At 3:00 I heard the NC High School Honors Chorus give an absolutely wonderful, exciting & musical performance.  Then I met up with my roommates (Jill Boliek & Mary Summerlin) & went to the exhibits to sample some cookie & cheesecake fundraiser items!  I kept seeing teachers that I have known throughout the years and it was good catching up with them.  (That's the best part of conferences like these!).

Monday morning I went to the retired teacher's breakfast & it was good to see some of my colleagues, many of whom I have known for over 30 years (Richard, Diane, Ken, Pam, Treda, Carol, etc.).  Then I decided to go meet Jill and Mary for breakfast #2 at the Embassy Suites (it was free with the room); however, I ended up sitting with Jacqueline & Jocelyn (I still call them the Pharr twins.  We were at UNCG together.) and Marshal Butler (we go back to the early days of the Junior High Section beginnings).  It was good to catch up with the three of them, but especially with Jacqueline once the other two left.  I then headed back to the exhibits to see people I hadn't seen the previous time.  For lunch that day, Jill and I attended the NC American Choral Directors Association luncheon and a wonderful performance by the Chorale from Methodist University in Fayetteville.  Congratulations to Betty-Neill Parsons who received the Lara Hoggard Award!  Betty Neil and I go way back to when I first started teaching at Stedman Jr. High School in Cumberland County.  Later that day, I was very excited to see Susan Williams who taught at Armstrong Junior High. All three of us taught in the Cape Fear HS district in Cumberland County where I taught for 17 years prior to moving to Durham, Susan & I at the two junior high schools and Betty-Neill at Cape Fear HS.  Monday afternoon I attended 3 wonderful high school choral concerts.  Two (Cedar Ridge HS and Panther Creek HS) are from the Triangle.

Monday evening, Jill, Mary, Jeremy and I went to eat at my favorite restaurant:  the Salem Tavern in Old Salem.  It has been a yearly tradition of mine for many years.  My favorites are the pumpkin muffins & the ginger bread with lemon ice cream.  Mmmmmmm.  I'm ready to go back!  After supper, back to the Steven's Center to hear the NC Symphony in concert & what a concert it was!  Rachmaninoff & a Liszt orchestra/piano piece that was absolutely spellbinding.

Tuesday morning breakfast was with the 3 of us & Marshall.  It was so good just to talk about all things music and a little of life thrown in also!  After breakfast, Jill, Mary & I spent way too much time trying to get the hotel to figure out how to split the bill 3 ways.  You would not believe how long that took!!!!!  Then, time to get my suitcase & head to the parking deck to the car.  I always check to make sure my car is clean inside.  I never will forget one teacher telling us how she mistakenly left her car unlocked many years ago and a homeless drunk spent the night in it and threw up all over it.  Some stories you just never forget.

My final Winston-Salem tradition was to go to the Old Salem Bakery where I got Oatmeal/Raisin Cookies for me, Chocolate Chip for Jeff, & Cinnamon Buns for both of us.  (Oh, I also forgot another tradition:  Pumpkin Spice Donuts from Krispy Kreme!!!!!!  We did that Sunday night.)  Guess, I'd better stop.  After all of the hassle Jeff has given me for not writing the post, now I'm getting it for having typed for so long tonight.  It was good to see all of the musicians that I have known throughout the years.  We all have a bond that others will never understand.  I am grateful that I have worked in a state with so many caring and talented music teachers.

Old Salem Winker Bakery

P.S.S. This is Jeff: Remind me never to ask Joe to write on here again. War & Peace was shorter!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Last Week is Just a Memory

As most regular readers of this site know, I am an eternal optimist.  Okay, so maybe I have my extreme pessimistic moments, but generally speaking, I am an optimistic person.  Last week, being not such a good week, I will admit I was less than positive 100% of the time.  Joe would probably say I was less than positive all of the time last week, and he would probably be right. He usually is.  However, last week is just a memory now.  It would appear that most of my overwrought dramatic moments have abated and I feel much more relaxed.   Joe had his chemo appointment yesterday, no doctor – only labs & chemo, and other than the first nurse blowing a vein when trying to get the infusion going, it went fine and he left Duke somewhat unscathed.  Since we were down a car, he had to go it alone, although we did do FaceTime during part of his treatment so I could see him and make sure he was doing ok.  Thank goodness for technology, specifically Apple and the iPad2.
This morning, after the drama with the VW dealership last week and the exorbitant fee that they were saying it would take to fix Joe’s car, he managed to get to Raleigh without the car catching on fire and dropped it off at Autohaus for a second opinion.  Guess what, they can make the necessary repairs for 75% less than what the dealership was charging.  Amazing huh?  That combined with my conversation with Certapro today where I pointed out their errors in the final bill for the painting and repairs of our house (they had charged us $300 more than the estimate) and getting that credit back has made for a rather positive & productive morning.  Now we just have to wait for the repairs on Joe’s car to be completed so we can once again be a 2 car family.  Me having to stay at the office until 6:25pm last night for Joe to come pick me up is not my idea of a good time since I get off work at 5pm.  But I’m not complaining. J
The house looks great!  The exterior is actually yellow again instead of “off white”.  Pressure washing is a good thing.  Even the patio & driveway are white again instead of grey.  The inside where we had painted is perfect.  Exactly the colors and result we were wanting. 

We should have done it a couple of years ago.  I’ve picked out colors for other people for years now, but when it came to what I was going to have to live with, I dragged it out and dragged it out.  Hopefully we will have our wedding video soon and then we plan to have an Open House to celebrate.  Now that the house is looking so nice, it will be even better!
Continued thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.  We love and cherish each and every one of you.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Glad This Week is Drawing To An End

I’m so very glad that this week is almost over.  Now if the fumes in the house from the paint would dissipate,  I would be a great deal happier with a much smaller headache.  Poor Joe has been captive at the house since Thursday of last week.  Just him, Dolly (the cat) and a host of power washers, carpenters, and painters.  The exterior of the house is finished and looks great!  The family room, kitchen, loft and master bath also are all finished and about 95 % back to normal.  We still have to find a few things that Joe moved out of the rooms and doesn’t seem to remember where they were put, but I’m sure we will find them….eventually.  Today, the last room, our master bedroom should be completed.  Hopefully by the time I get home I can start reloading everything back in there.  Having a house painted is stressful, as was evident by our previous post earlier in the week.  However, the drama didn’t just stop with the patio furniture spread out over the newly seeded lawn.   Once they finished in the backyard, they took to putting all their equipment in the front yard even though we have a perfectly good driveway made of concrete that would work much better.  Each night I’ve come home and moved planters, trash cans and other items off the grass and back onto the concrete where they belong.  I’m still now quite sure why the 2 planters that sit at the sidewalk up to the front door had to be moved into the front yard since the closest painting job (the front porch/stoop) is a good 3-4 feet away.  All I can see are $$ signs from where we paid to have the lawn done a month ago.  To add insult to injury, Joe had taken his car into the VW dealership on Tuesday evening for service and they called him yesterday afternoon to let him know the VAST number of repairs that needed to be done and the cost.   Maybe I should capitalize the word COST.  It’s a 10 year old, almost 11 year old, car.  We wouldn’t even get 25% of the cost of repair if we were to try to sell it.  My lunchtime relaxation yesterday was spoiled by that news.  But since we have had issues in the past with the VW dealership here in Durham, Joe decided to call a VW repair shop called Autohaus that is very near PGUMC and get their opinion.  He’ll have to take it in Tuesday morning.  The only real issue with that right now is that the VW mechanic at the dealership said the only real worry with driving the car right now is that it could catch on fire.  Really?  That doesn’t seem so bad, right?  So theoretically, on the way to take the car to Raleigh Tuesday morning, the car could blow up.  That makes me feel much better.
So to summarize, what was to be a 1 day exterior paint job took 3, what was to be a 2 day interior paint job is now in it’s 4th day, the newly seeded lawn which had turned so green and pretty now has big brown muddy spots where the new grass has been smushed to smithereens,  and the repair of Joe’s car will cost 4 times what the car is worth, if it doesn’t catch on fire first.
Now for the good stuff.  Joe has felt well, although he may have pulled a muscle in his back at some point this week, but he is completely mobile.  Monday’s chemo treatment at Duke will not include a trip to the doctor before, just blood drawn for labs and then off to the Chemo infusion center to wait.  Since we are one car down, either Joe will have to drive himself after dropping me off at work, or I will have to stay with him for the duration.  However, we’ll cross that bridge on Monday morning.  Joe had a good turnout for choir practice on Wednesday, which always lifts his spirits and then had a TGMC performance at First Presbyterian of Durham last night (Thursday).  That meant I went to Bible study alone, but had the chance to talk to and get better acquainted with some folks, (thanks Kelsey & Dave), and opened myself up for good natured jabbing from the group by telling a road rage story of mine.  I may have found a new radio station to soothe my morning commute as a result: 93.9KissFM Check it out!
Tomorrow will be a day of putting the house back in order and then Sunday an extra hour of sleep!  Everybody should enjoy that part.   I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Have fun but be safe.
Continued thanks to everyone for their continued prayers and support.  It is greatly appreciated.  Please also remember Mary & Bob Anderson.  Besides the cancer that Mary is dealing with they have had a death in their immediate family and they can use some extra prayers headed their way.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Stress is what happens when an emotional control freak has no control. Example: We are having the exterior trim on the house painted and the siding, patio, and driveway power washed. After that we are having the interior painted. Thus far the exterior repairs (there were some areas of rot) and the power washing are complete. The day the repairs were done, I came home to find the entire rear gutters laying in the back yard wher we had just had the yard aerated and over seeded. Delicate new blades of tiny grass coming up and not needing to be squashed. So I fussed at Joe and asked why they didn't put the gutters on the patio, response-- I don't know. Today I come home after the power washing and EVERY PIECE OF WOODEN PATIO FURNITURE AND POTTED PLANT is sitting in the back yard. Can you say Dead New Grass??? The also ruined the doorbell causing an indoor electrical problem. Even the garbage cans that sit on the side concrete pad were sitting in the yard instead of on the concrete. What's up with that?? Fortunately I was home alone after dropping Joe off at TGMC rehearsal when I had my MELTDOWN! However, my question to Joe is "where are you when they are finishing up for the day and why don't you ask them to put the crap back where they found it???"

It wasn't pretty. I was loud, I was not a nice person. I can only pray that when I come home tomorrow after they start painting inside that I don't have a repeat performance. Joe won't have anywhere to hide to be out of the line of fire. Stress can be UGLY.

This is Joe's non-chemo week so he has felt pretty good so far since he hasn't had to go to Duke. However he has said he has felt like he was being held hostage here at the house since he has been here either waiting for or while the workmen were here. But apparently he never looks to see what they are doing ( I had to get that one dig in).

Thank you to everyone for their continued prayers. We are both very appreciative.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Early to bed, early to rise

On Monday nights before Joe's appointments, that saying is quite accurate.  Joe was up at 5:50 am this morning and I followed soon thereafter. We arrived at 7:15am at the  Duke Clinic for his 7:30 labs.  We split at the first floor stairs, me heading for coffee and Joe's lemonade and him to check in.  At 7:40am he was called for his blood work and now we wait for the doctor.  But the real question of the day, whose picture will I take without their knowledge and post?

Dare I say it?  Maybe we are going for another record.  It's 8:00 am and Joe has already had his vitals and we are back in an exam room.   Maybe this week I'll be less than an hour late for work.  Maybe it's because there apparently are not many early appointments as is evident by the nearly empty waiting room pictured here.  

Guess the few here were the lucky photo op people. Regardless, it's fine with me to get it over with quickly, as I'm sure it is with Joe.

While waiting, Ill digress:  We had a very quiet weekend even though I mowed the front yard on Saturday and the back on Sunday.  It's so much easier and much less of a hassle to split it up.  Thank goodness for a fenced backyard since I can let that go a little longer than I should without our neighbors having to look at it.  The rest of the weekend consisted of me and Joe laying around on the couch watching shows that were DVR'd for the last 2 weeks (with me sleeping through much of it).  Speaking of which, I need some opinions, is it fair to take a picture of a person asleep on the sofa without his knowledge when he is not very well dressed and looks like something out of Lord of the Rings?  I personally don't think so especially when said photo is VERY unflattering.  I would post it but I have to retain some degree of dignity.  Sunday was typical with church arrival at 7:30 am then off to McDonalds for breakfast between the early and late services and then back for the 11:00am service.  Afterwards out for lunch (thanks for the coupon Allana), a brief stop at two Home Goods stores then home for the rest of the day.  As soon as The Good Wife was over we were off to bed so we could make the early arrival which brings us back to now.  All in all, a very good weekend with some much needed rest for both of us.

But back to the appointment.  Princess Leigh (Mark gave her that name, not me or Joe) was back in the exam room around 8:30am and we were out at the check out/appointment  desk by 8:45.  I dropped Joe off at the infusion center 5 minutes later and I was on my way to the office.  Joe met me for lunch in the afternoon and then accompanied the Durham Childrens Chorus Training Choir later this afternoon.  Tonight he says he is tired and has a bit of a scratchy throat.  Hes going to have to take some aspirin (along with all his other pills) and make it an early night.  Best thing is that this is the end of a cycle so he doesnt have another treatment until November 7. YAY!

Monday, October 17, 2011

It Pays to Pay Attention to Dates

It pays to pay attention to dates especially when scheduling doctors appointments.  It seems every week or two we learn a new lesson.  This week it was to pay attention to the dates when scheduling appointments and paying for them online ahead of time.  We arrived for Joe's 7:30am appointment at Duke at 7:15am.  Joe went on to the clinic while I veered off to the food court for his large lemonade and my coffee.  Upon joining him at the clinic, he told me that apparently there was some mix up and they did not have him scheduled for an appointment at all.  No doctors appointment, no lab work, no chemo. Oh great!  But before I freaked out, Joe said they were working on trying to figure out the mistake and get him scheduled.  Before too long, about 20 mins, Adam the miracle worker at check-in/check-out, came over with a buzzer for Joe and told him that all 3 appointments were set up. Another 15 minutes and his blood had been drawn and sent off to the lab and about 10 minutes after that we were in an exam room where the nurse greeted us a few minutes later.  After that Joe was off to the chemo infusion center and I was off to work.  This all done by 8:55am.  By 10:40am Joe called me and he was already done with chemo and on his way home. Those of you that are regular readers know that it's more than just rare for him to be done with everything before 11am.  One might say it practically never happens.  Ok, I'll say it, IT NEVER HAPPENS!  So what is the moral, don't make appointments and just show up?  Dare we?  I say go for it, but I don't think I've quite convinced Joe to get on board.  But someone explain it to me.  Have an appointment, out around noon or after.  No appointment and out before 11am.  I know, there is no explanation.  I'm just glad that today didn't end up a disaster with Joe having to spend a long, unnecessary amount of time there.  As it turns out it was just a clerical error that we didn't catch, not even when I checked him in online Sunday night.  I just went to the next appointment on the list and checked him in, not noticing that the date was the 24th, not the 17th.  Oh well, except for a few minutes spent wondering what would happen, no harm, no foul.

The rest of the day has been a good one for Joe. He went to Costco (a favorite of his) came and met me for lunch, followed by a trip to Trader Joe's (another one of his favorites) , and then his regular Monday rehearsal as accompanist with the training choir for the Durham Childrens Chorus.  He has been enjoying watching and listening to the young kids.  Prior to leaving for the rehearsal he pulled out the old bread maker and started some Spice Apple bread baking.  You would not believe how good the house smelled when I got home.  Mouth watering!!!!   

Joe is home now from his rehearsal and dinner will be ready soon.  After dinner we will settle down to watch some TV and then off to bed early and hopefully Joe won't have too difficult of a night as has become more the norm on chemo nights.  On the up side of his not being able to sleep well on Monday nights, I've often come down on Tuesday morning to see the kitchen and family room VERY clean!  (I try to look on the bright side - - glass half full rather than half empty)

As always, we want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and this week I would like to ask everyone to also please remember Mary & Bob Anderson from PGUMC.  Mary had surgery last Thursday at UNC.  We went and visited her on Sunday and although she looked and sounded great, please include her and Bob in your prayers and that she is out of the hospital and home soon.  She is more concerned about Bob while she is in the hospital than she is about herself.  I hope they are both back at church very soon as I miss talking with both of them as they are 2 of my favorite people.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

So Sorry for the Delay

I do apologize for the delay in reporting in on Joe's Monday doctor and Chemo appointments at Duke. There were a couple of snags that day starting with the express self check in system. Joe scanned his barcode in around 7:15 for his 7:30 a.m. appointment. However, by 8:00 a.m. they still had not come and given him his buzzer so he went up to the desk and checked and of course they did not show him as checking in. They went ahead and gave him his buzzer and it wasn't long before it went off and he had his blood drawn for his labs. Then we waited in the waiting room for about another 20 minutes before they called us back into an exam room. Mark his nurse came in first and then Leigh Howard the NP came in for the exam. This was also the last in a three series of appointments that were recorded. Joe had agreed to the study a couple of months ago. It is amazing how aware you can be when there is a little recorder sitting there on the desk. I tried to be on my best behavior but when Leigh commented that Joe hadn't had a chance to get a word in, I shut up! Well, not really, but I did stop talking for a couple of minutes and during that time Joe still didn't talk much. It was very much like our early appointments where Joe never spoke. But anyway, there were no problems, he is maintaining his weight and his labs were as normal or abnormal as usual so after leaving the exam room he was off to the Chemo infusion center on the 2nd floor and I was off to work. By the time I got to the office, he was texting me that he was in a chair in the treatment area already. So except for the "bump" at the beginning and me apparently talking too much all went smoothly. Two more treatments to go in this cycle and then a week off as usual.

Friday, October 7, 2011

What Can You Say When Nothing "Eventful" Happens

This week has been one of those "uneventful" weeks that I like so much.  No doctors appointments at Duke, Joe has felt good all week, no trauma or drama, just a nice ordinary week doing ordinary things, going about ordinary lives.   The only problem with that is that there is nothing to report on the Blog and when I don't post, I get in trouble with some folks for not updating them.  So here goes:
Monday- No doctor appointment so Joe got to sleep in later.  Lawn people came and aerated and overseeded the lawn.   Joe had rehearsal with the Durham County Childrens Chorus in the late afternoon so I watered the lawn when I got home.
Tuesday- Joe had staff meeting at Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church (PGUMC) followed by working on getting his music ready for Sunday.  A couple of piano students in the afternoon, watering the lawn and TGMC practice Tuesday night.
Wednesday- A piano student, back at PGUMC working on his Sunday music, lunch with friends followed by watering the lawn and rehearsal that night with the choir.
Thursday- A series of complaining phone calls to me over his defective laptop, watering the lawn, a couple of piano students and then Disciple Bible Study at PGUMC Thursday night.
Friday- (today) Hopefully he has watered the lawn, then a piano student this afternoon and then finally a night at home.

Tomorrow, Joe will take Dolly over to PGUMC for the Blessing of the Animals while I get my flu shot.  After that we are off to Hope Mills to the Holland Family Reunion.  First one in many many years so hopefully there will be a decent turn out.  As long as the food is good and I know/recognize a few people, then we should be ok.

But see, nothing to report of any importance. Not that I am complaining, but I have to post something to keep others from complaining.

Thank you to everyone for their continued prayers and good thoughts for Joe.  We are both extremely appreciative.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's Been a Good Saturday

It's been quite a productive day.  Lawn mowed and edged and Joe got a lot of shows on the DVR watched so we should be good for next week with no worries of it filling up and loosing shows (we were over 75% full before the day started).  Joe has spent most of the day lounging or laying around so he shouldn't be complaining this weekend about not getting enough rest.  Also, with no chemo this week, his sleep schedule should be more consistent.  All in all, it's been a good Saturday, together.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Interpretations of Biblical Scripture Misused to Promote Bigotry

Although the intention of this website is to keep people informed with Joe’s health with regard to his pancreatic cancer, I also feel it is incumbent upon me to also keep those that care for Joe up to date on other aspects of his well-being.  I mention this only because there was one night this week, Monday evening September 26th,  that due to circumstances, was very hard on him emotionally and therefore affected him in many ways, including physically.  It was evident on Tuesday that the events of the previous evening were weighing heavily on him, some of that due to the fact that he did not sleep well the night before both due to his chemo treatment earlier in the day and with a lot on his mind that night at bedtime.
Earlier in the day, Joe had shared an article on Facebook from Barry Saunders that had appeared in the News & Observer.  The article was in regard to last weekend’s NC Pride Parade and festivities that had been held in Durham and Duke’s East Campus.  Both Joe and I had attended, Joe performing with the TGMC, along with many of our friends and acquaintances.  The essence of the Barry Saunders article was that he didn’t understand what the conservative, right leaning, politicians and populace of North Carolina were so afraid of when it came to gay people.  As he put it in the opening sentence of the article, “I went to the Gay Pride parade and guess what, I still like women.  So what are all of ya’ll afraid of?”  The article was in response to the Amendment One that will appear on the May 2012 Ballot to “Ban Gay Marriage and Define a Marriage as between One Man and One Woman”.  The proposed question in the opening sentence appeared on Joe’s Facebook “Wall” along with a link to the article.  I do not know if the persons that then decided it was their place to give an opinion read the article or just read the 1st sentence that appeared on the post.  However, when I opened my Facebook page just before shutting my computer down at work and saw the first comment, coming from a childhood friend that Joe considered a friend in both real life and Facebook, I took it as a personal attack on Joe and did not react well to it.  My response to this person, although not ugly, was not kind and some may say mean spirited, but I accept that.  It is hard for me to sit back calmly when I feel someone is attacking him.  Some might say I am “over protective”, but I can live with that label as well.
Here is the first comment (I have removed the name and only have initials):
MW:  perhaps they are concerned about the continued spread of aids, the moral corruption of their children, the further moral decline of society, and promotion of a reprobate sin, which will surely bring more of God's judgment upon us.
My first response was:
Jeff Holland Perhaps Mr. W you should practice the form of Christianity that believes in loving thy fellow man along with caring and forgiveness rather than judging, which if I'm not mistaken, is clearly stated in the Bible. Oh, wait, I was thinking of Christian values.
What followed was a series of Bible thumping from him and then another childhood friend of Joe’s joined in and then a former middle school student of Joe’s joined in.  What ensued were hours of a hell fire and damnation diatribe from Mr. W, Mr. F and Mr. S.
Here is just a sample, but let me warn you, some of it is quite ugly with respect to the way Mr. W interprets the Bible, at least as far as we were concerned.
MW:  Mr Holland, Jesus Christ preached against sin much harder than I ever have, and warned about hell more than He promoted heaven. I judge no one, God's word has already performed that task. And when one truly loves, he is more than willing to take the heat for calling sin --- sin. What kind of love refuses to call to someone's attention to the fact they are about to jump off a cliff and find themselves in a bottomless pit? What kind of a loving parent would refuse to warn their child not to run out in the street? What kind of parent would not try to save a child who dares to run out into the street. The problem with most folk today, they do not understand true love -- they define love as lust.
MW : And may I add, any movement or church that condones the sin of homosexuality, which claims to be Christian is defined by the Bible as apostate, false, dead in sin, and reprobate. I love you, but I detest your sin. And the love of God would say, repent of your sin, receive the One True Christ, be justified, sanctified, and transformed into a "new creature in Christ." That's would be defined as true biblical love -- that which is willing to tell you the truth. By the way, I was brought up with Joe in the Baptist church, but I will not compromise with the Word of God and waywardness. I pray God the Holy Spirit convict, convince, and illuminate your mind to the truth of His Word, lest you become an eternal reprobate.
Jeff Holland : Mr W, let's agree to disagree. Having been brought up in the Baptist Church I heard more than enough of the type of speeches you give. As an adult I made my decision to remove myself from the hate speech and seek out God's love in a different environment, one that is accepting of the fact that all people are not the same, but that all people are due the same basic human rights. Continue your hell fire and damnation diatribes against any that disagree with your personal as well as religious points of view. Although you say you judge no one, your original response to Joe's posting about " continued spread of aids, moral corruption, moral decline of society and promotion of reprobate sin" seems judgmental to me. Possibly you should have been a psychoanalyst, since you seem to be able to diagnose "most folk" without having met "most folk". Maybe next time, you will wait to be asked for your opinion to one of Joe's posts before spouting off.
MW:  God has blessed you with the free will to choose and whatever lifestyle you choose to live is up to you -- just don't expect those of us who love God and believe the Bible to approve of your sin and don't seek to ask us to help you justify. Sleep with who you will, have as much sex as you like, (heterosexual or homosexual); but mark this down in red -- judgment day will come on all sin, including the sin of homosexuality, according to God -- not this preacher. Yes, God is loving and merciful when we choose His way (i spent 10 years as a drunk and addict before God cleaned me up). When we reject His way -- we reject love, grace and mercy --- leaving us with wrath and judgment.
RS: 1st Corinthians Chapter 6 verse nine KJV
MW:  that verse is very, very clear RS - and it's not just a Baptist Bible, it applies to all
Jeff Holland  Sir, I have not asked for your approval, nor do I desire it. I have put my life and faith in Jesus Christ and only desire judgment from him.
MW:  I am glad to hear you have put your life and faith in Jesus Christ. If that is truly the case, God has now given you the power to forsake and overcome the sin of homosexuality. Paul referred to this as "putting off the old self...corrupted ...,with the lusts of deceiit..." and put on the new man created in righteousness and holiness of the truth." Ephesians 4:22-24 Paul said, "if any man be in Christ, he is a New Creature, old things have passed away." Forsake you sin and become the witness and testimony that Christ has called you to be. "He who loves Me, will keep my commandments."
MW: 1 Corinthians 6:11 goes on to say --- "and such (homosexuals verse 9) WERE some of you." If you have truly put your fatih and trust in Christ, Paul says you "WERE" but are no longer a homosexual. That being the case, you now need to repent and forsake that sin, so you can start living a life of righteousness and holiness. In my case, I was once a drunk, I was a drug addict, I was a fornicator, an adulterer, but thank God, today I am a new creature and no longer have to live that way. I am free from the BONDAGE of sin. I am now "washed, justified, and sanctified." My sanctification is continually compelling me to put away the sins of the flesh.
Jeff Holland Mr. W  and Mr. S : As with most Christian faiths, except Southern Baptists and a few other Evangelical churches, the KJV hasn't been used for many years due to the vast quantity of translation errors discovered by Biblical scholars, therefore, I would have to disagree with YOUR interpretation of 1 Cor 6:9-11. In my Bible (the NRSV), homosexuals are never mentioned. As for Eph 4:22-24 it states, "You were taught to put away your former way of life, your old self, corrupt and deluded by its lusts, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to clothe yourselves with the new self, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness". That sirs, I have done. But please, as I stated earlier, I have neither asked for nor desire your approval, therefore, this discussion is over for me. Have a nice day.
Of course it did not end there.  Especially once the other former childhood friend put his 2 cents worth in:
MF:  Jeff Holland, you are one prejudiced bastard.
As you can see, the type of comments deteriorated.  Joe finally posted a response expressing his sadness that 2 childhood friends and a former student would feel the need to condemn the 2 of us so profoundly and in such a public way.  He asked  all of them to please stop and to consider his response the last communication between them. 
Joe Lupton:  MW, yes we were friends when we were young and growing up in Roanoke Baptist Church and I thought we could continue as FB friends; however, I have never made any condemning and bigoted statements on anyone's FB page. Yes, people can disagree; however, the venom that spills out of your mouth does NOT reflect the God that I have loved and served throughout my life. "To love another person is to see the face of God" is from Les Miz & I wish more could abide by this instead of forcing such condemning views upon all of the world.  In my dealings with pancreatic cancer I have come to put all of my energy into loving the world and praying for all to have love in their hearts. I feel that my life right now needs positive influences and not such negativity as you present. Please consider this our last communication. (MF, I don't appreciate your "liking" on MW’s post even if you do agree with him. RS, when you were a student of mine, I tried to treat everyone equally and tried never to condemn anyone. I had hoped that you had learned something from me.
Of course that didn’t happen as all of them continued on for hours.  Joe has since removed the entire exchange from his Facebook wall.
On a happier note, many of our friends did chime in showing support for us and expressing their opinion on the posts from MW, RS and MF.  Many, many, many thanks to Mark Potratz, Stacy Potratz, Amos Brown, Chelsea Brown, Challie Sullivan and Lola Elliott Hugh for their support that night.  At some point, Joe intends to post the entire conversation as a Note on his Facebook wall just to show the type of hate speech and condemnation that we deal with continually, especially with the proposed Amendment One to the Constitution of North Carolina coming up on the May ballot.  We are hopeful that level headed and intelligent people from all sides, liberal, conservative, progressive, right-wing and left-wing can see how divisive and detrimental passage of this Amendment One will be to the entire State of North Carolina.
Today Joe is feeling better about things as the events of Monday become more distant but I know that it will be a long time before that night is forgotten by either of us.

Monday, September 26, 2011

End of Chemo Cycle #.???????...Oh I've Lost Count!

This morning was the last in a 3 week Chemo cycle at Duke for Joe.  I've lost count as to which cycle this is, not that it really matters.  We were a little concerned from last week that he might not get to have his chemo treatment this week because one of his blood counts was low.  He had been warned last week to avoid anyone with sniffles, coughs or sneezing since the low count indicated he could very easily pick up something and his immune system would find it difficult to fight off.  Had the count been any lower today he wouldn't be able to have his treatment.  However, the count was the same, no better, no worse so he was allowed to go on for his treatment. 

He did get the idea last week that wearing the same clothes each week was not a good idea and this week surprised me by wearing something different and crossing his legs differently.  I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.

He also got his Flu shot.  As you can tell by the look on his face, he is a really big baby when it comes to shots (of course, I am worse, so I have no room to talk).  Mark Bradford, his nurse, was extremely considerate and got the smallest needle he could find to give him the shot.  I guess it wasn't small enough judging by Joe's closed eyes.

But anyway, once Mark was through we left for the chemo infusion center where we parted ways and I came on to work.  Joe was finished with his treatment by 10:45am and on his way home.  Now he will have a week off, hopefully behave himself so there are no fevers and we won't be back until October 10th.

Hope everyone has a great week and thanks for your continued prayers and support.  

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It was a Good Week for Joe

YAY!  We were back to a more normal schedule this week and Joe had no fevers or bad days!  His schedule this week was reasonably normal (as far as normal goes for him) with doctor's appointment & chemo the first of the week, chorus practice on Tuesday, choir practice on Wednesday, Bible study on Thursday and various piano students throughout.   All that and rain off and on for several days make for a good week.  Joe is currently getting ready for the chorus to sing today at the Pride weekend at Duke's East Campus.  He is supposed to be there by 11:30am and it's 11:01am as I type and I haven't even had a shower yet.  Something tells me we won't get down there on time.  Oh well, no biggie (at least not for me).

If the rain holds off today, we should have a good day and maybe I can get by Home Goods today :)

Post Pride update:  The rain held off until after the TGMC performance and the parade.  That's Joe on the left peaking out from the balloons.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and thank you for your continued prayers and support for Joe.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Joe Is Repetitive

Joe had his weekly doctor's appointment this morning and got to see Leigh Howard after her 2 weeks off.  I know that Dr. Zafar was probably the happiest person at Duke today.  2 weeks of handling all his own appointments has probably worn him completely out.  We didn't even catch a glimpse of him today so we aren't sure if he even showed up (I'm sure he did...not the type to skip out on his job).   But today went smooth as silk.  We arrived at 6:55am, scanned in at the Kiosk, I went and got coffee & Joe his diet lemonade and by the time I got back he had already been back for his lab work.  By 7:55 we were back in an exam room and about 8:05, the nurse, Mark, was in and a few minutes later, Leigh came in, talked with us, asked the questions, did the exam and sent us on our way.  At 8:30am we were walking out and taking the elevator up to chemo where I parted ways with Joe and came on back to work.  He was called to go back for his infusion at 9:20am and was out of there in just a little over an hour later.  All in all a pretty good day.  But why you ask, did I name this post "Joe is repetitive"?  Take a look at today's photo of Joe in the exam room.
Now scroll down to last Monday's post about his CT Scan results and look at the photo.  Notice anything?  Yep, exact same clothes and Chic-fil-A cup.  Come on Joe, don't be so repetitive.....think outside the box....maybe wear a green shirt....or blue shorts....or different shoes....or oh I don't know, cross your legs the other way....anything!  

A big thank you for all the prayers and good thoughts that continue to come Joe's way.  We both are very grateful.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Some People Just Don't Learn

Can you guess to whom I am referring?  If you said, Joe Lupton, you would be correct.  Since Monday I have heard Joe tell numerous people about the great news that the tumor has not grown and then go on to say how good he's been feeling and that he hasn't had a fever since late June when we were at the beach.  He then proceeded to attend the prayer vigil in downtown Raleigh Monday night (after having his chemo treatment at Duke Monday morning), attending the prayer vigil at the legislature building in Raleigh at noon on Tuesday, in the heat, for a couple of hours on Tuesday, 2 piano students later in the afternoon, then TGMC rehearsal last night for over 2 hours.  He did sleep late this morning, but of course, he is now running a fever and in bed.  I'm trying very hard not to say "I told you so", but there, I just said it.  Some people just don't learn.

Update:  Joe kept his fever Wednesday night and missed choir practice (thanks Challie & Allana for stepping in for him).  He kept taking Tylenol every 4 hours and by Thursday morning his fever had broke and was back to normal.  He has felt tired and has been battling a headache all day.  Only a half hour before we need to leave for Bible study and not sure yet if he will be able to go.  Maybe half a night or if he isn't up to it, I'll Skype him in so he can watch & listen.   Regardless, he feels better today, but just needs to behave himself and not overdo it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Tone of the Day Was Set Early

Let's hope the tone of the day was not set by what happened upon arrival just before 7:00 am. The auto check-in screen at the entrance to Duke Clinic 1A wasn't working and Joe actually had to wait in line to check in. He hasn't had to do that since our very first appointment back in November 2010. Although it only took 10 minutes, we are so used to being checked in before ever entering the waiting room, but I'm sure there are worse things.

Called back for blood work at 7:25am and then vitals 5 minutes after that. Only problem was I went for coffee and Joe some juice after the blood work so we lost our good seats. Oh well, small price to pay for a great cup of coffee. It's now 8:10am and we are back in an exam room waiting for the nurse and then Dr. Zafar. Soon we'll hopefully know the CT scan results. Oh, and Joe is obsessing that he has gained 3 lbs in 2 weeks. He wants to diet now... I think not!

Dr. Zafar came in about 8:20am with a smile on his face, but then again, he always is smiling.  We haven't seen him for an appointment since early summer so it was good to talk with him.  Best part, the CT scan showed NO GROWTH!  We would have liked to see shrinkage, but we are estatic over NO GROWTH!  The tumor is the same size as back in June and so we will continue with the chemo plan with no changes. 
As you can see, Joe was all smiles, as was I, but I was behind the camera lens.  We were out of there by 8:40am and I came on to work and Joe went on up to Chemo for his 9:15am appointment.  Today has been a good day and it's still morning. :)

Thanks to everyone who has inquired, prayed and sent good thoughts and karma our way.  It seems to be working.   Thank you.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Today's CT Scan

Today Joe had his second post surgical CT scan.  He had a 2pm appointment at the Duke Clinic and arrived on time but got a little worried when they announced that there was "trauma" in the CT scan area and that anyone waiting for a scan would be delayed.  However, the trauma must have been dealt with pretty quickly as he was called back around 2:20pm.  By 2:59pm he was out and on his way back to the parking deck.  We knew going in that we wouldn't get the results until his next doctor's appointment, which will be this coming Monday, Sept. 12.  He has to be at the clinic at 7am for labs and his appointment with Dr. Zafar is at 8am.  We have our fingers crossed and are saying many prayers that the scan results will show shrinkage of the tumor or at the very least, no growth or spreading.  Joe has been feeling very well lately and his energy level has never been better since the surgery.  He continues to tolerate the weekly chemo treatments very well with only minimal side effects which last only around 24 hours.

This past week has been especially good for both Joe and me.  We had a great visit with Lara, Joe & Ethan Wood at the beach, Joe had a good chorus rehearsal on Tuesday night (and we had lots of rain...our straw yard appreciated that), he had a large turnout for choir rehearsal Wednesday night and tonight was another engaging week of Disciple Bible Study at PGUMC.  All that and tomorrow is just Friday.  Saturday we are going to visit our nephew Wayne to round out the week.

Thank you to all for the warm wishes we have received this week as well as for the continued prayers for Joe.  A special thank you to our Pleasant Grove UMC family and their acceptance and heartfelt congratulations that they continue to express to me and Joe.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Trip to Surf City

Last year, two of our best friends, Lara and Joe Wood, bought a townhouse at Surf City on Topsail Island. For over a year we have been trying to coordinate a time to come see them and the new place. Joe's unexpected health news last fall put a little wrinkle into making the visit. However, yesterday after church, we headed down for a quick overnight stay. The sunset was gorgeous.

The weather was wonderful, although somewhat overcast early Monday morning. By mid morning however, the sun was shining bright and we made our way down to the beach. Joe had his phone, so the only photographic evidence is from his phone and it takes crappy photos. We were only on the beach for a short time but upon returning home discovered both of us had a little sunburn on our legs and feet (burned my head too--curse of a bald head).
We had a great time and the entire trip would have been considered a resounding success had it not been for the drive back home.  Let's just say that I-40 East coming back from the beach to the Raleigh-Durham area on Labor Day afternoon is not a pleasant trip.   Stop & Go for more than 30 miles makes for a long drive.  But we made it back safe and sound, watched last nights episode of "True Blood" and plan to turn in early since tomorrow is back to work.    Joe has his CT scan on Thursday at Duke and then we'll have until next Monday to get the results.  We have our fingers crossed!

I hope everyone has enjoyed their Labor Day weekend, we sure have!

Vaccination date set

 This morning at 8 a.m. we began the process of trying to get an appointment date.  I had 3 appointments at the Duke Cancer Center so I was ...