Sunday, April 5, 2020

COVID-19 - I'm waiting for your answer.

Well this was certainly unexpected!  No, not the virus, everyone but the cheeto in the White House saw this coming, I meant what was unexpected is that I am back writing on my blog.  The original reason for the blog was to let a large group of people know in as easy a way as possible, all that was going on with Joe and myself after Joe's pancreatic cancer diagnosis.  Then it segued into also being a way for me to let out a lot of the feelings and stress that I was dealing with during his radiation and chemo treatments, subsequent surgery, unknown number of hospital stays and then during the time after his death.

Two years later "The Big C Not Middle C" morphed into more about my own cancer diagnosis, treatment and ultimately my surgery. (with a little bit of happy news thrown in there for good measure including my engagement, wedding and the building of our new home).  Then I said good-bye to the blog....but for some reason, kept the website subscription just in case there should ever be a time when I wanted to write, or vent, or a combination of the two.  Then lo' and behold, COVID-19.

What was supposed to be my May 1, 2020 retirement became my March 28, 2020 retirement after working from home since March 10th.  The story of leaving work earlier than anticipated, might at some point be interesting, but at the moment my former job is the last thing I think about.  Seriously, it is amazing how something that was so "front and center" for a HUGE part of my daily life, can instantly disappear from my consciousness.  Just goes to show how absolutely ready I was for my retirement.  But I digress.

So what about this virus, huh?  I know everyones life has been upended by it in some way.  Those having to continue to go to work at a physical location outside of their home probably haven't seen a big disruption - and I don't minimize how their lives have changed and the stresses of having to go out constantly must bring - but the part about just seeing the same four walls, day in and day out.  This is going to get completely maddening very soon.  Introverts are loving it - cue Steve - but I don't exactly fall into the introvert category and it can be very disconcerting to say the least.  It isn't exactly how I imagined retirement.  We have already canceled the first planned trip which was set for May 9-16.  Yes, I know, the "Stay at Home" order runs through April 30.  But really, who out there actually believes that in just under 4 weeks, it is going to be safe to start traveling?  If you do, can you please give me your reasoning or rationale or at the very least share the prescription for whatever drug you are on?  I have my own theories but then I have always fallen into the pessimistic side of the spectrum - more of a glass half empty kind of guy - and would honestly like to know when you think it will be "safe" to resume our normal way of life?  I don't mean when the cheeto says it's ok.  I mean when you think this virus will have run it's course enough that going to the grocery store without gloves and a mask will be ok...when getting on an airplane and being encapsulated with 100+ other humans with the air that everyone is breathing being recirculated for several hours will be ok....when shaking hands as a greeting or heaven forbid, giving a hug to the wonderful elderly lady at church will not risk her life??  When?   I'm waiting for your answer.  I have no where I have to be.

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