HB2 - Those that know me well, know that I am incensed by this new law that was passed last week by the legislature & signed by the governor. With that said, if you are a supporter of HB2, you might as well stop reading, hide posts from me or even unfriend me because I am so angry, I am not going to let this go. Also, because I am so annoyed by McScary & his legislature cronies, at the onset I know this will probably be a very long RANT on my part. So you are forewarned.
The “bathroom bill” as it is being referred to, on the very surface without giving it much thought, can seem to be harmless enough. But if you read it, and think about it, you will see that it is such a discriminatory piece of bullsh*t. It has been billed as legislation to protect “family values” with regard to bathrooms & locker rooms. However it also includes other broad discriminatory language and that assh*le in the governors mansion continues to describe it as “common sense legislation”.
Point 1: Protection for individual citizens of North Carolina - Question: Does this take existing protections away? Gov. McScary says it doesn’t but rather establishes a statewide anti-discrimination policy in NC which is tougher than the federal government’s. However, that claim is problematic at best. The law wipes away protections for people against being fired on the basis of “race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex or disability”. In particular, the bill says NC law does not create, and shall not be construed to create or support a statutory or common law private right of action and no person may bring any civil action based upon this new public policy. Therefore if an individual feels they have been wrongfully fired, they cannot sue, but have to head to FEDERAL COURT. Also, in at least 3 cities in NC, there were previously held nondiscrimination ordinances that are affected. The one in Charlotte that was the so called basis for HB2; also Greensboro has a nondiscrimination policy that covers many things including housing; and Raleigh has a policy that prohibits discrimination by city contractors on the basis of age, handicap, sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation and national origin. HB2 says that the policy of the state is to prohibit discrimination based on “Race, Religion, Color, National origin, Age, Biological sex or Handicap”. Conspicuously absent from the list is sexual orientation. (Sexual orientation was discussed during the legislative session drawing up the bill but was determined to not be necessary and therefore omitted)
Point 2: Will this affect the business environment in NC? McScary says no. He says that it doesn’t affect companies in NC and will not change any corporate policies. The governor doesn’t seem to understand that employees do not live their lives at their place of employment and that outside of work, they too are subject to the laws of NC. Since the bill was signed, more than 120 corporate execs along with Mayors of major municipalities around the country and Governors of several states have restricted government travel to NC. The NCAA is looking at whether to continue to have sanctioned sporting events here; the NBA is looking at problems with having the NBA All Star game in Charlotte in 2017 (Atlanta has already asked to have it moved to Georgia); the High Point Furniture Market continues to have cancellations from those previously scheduled to attend. Television & movie studios have halted filming or moved upcoming filming in NC. Multiple conferences have moved to other states meaning the loss of 100's of rooms and rentals. The point being, this will have an effect on how businesses view NC and the environment here.
Point 3: The bathroom part (only 1 part of a 5 part Bill). The governor says that anyone who has had sex reassignment surgery can have their birth certificate changed so that they will legally be able to use the public restroom/shower facility of the sex they are. 1- not all states will allow the birth certificate to be changed even after the surgery. 2- not all transgender people have the surgery due to a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the cost of the surgery or possible complications/risks from the surgery. What do they do? Live as one sex, but use the opposite sex bathroom when in public? Seriously a bad idea. The right wing contingent says it is for safety so “our mothers, sisters and daughters don’t have to worry about a man dressing up as a woman just to gain access to public restrooms and showers to ogle at or assault them”. In what universe are they living? Transgender people are not out ogling and assaulting people in restrooms. We don’t have a single case of this happening. It’s actually more apt for a transgender person to be assaulted in the bathroom when they are forced to use the inappropriate facility. Will the transgender male living as a woman run the risk of assault in the men’s room when forced to go in there? You bet your ass they will. Will ladies in the women’s room freak out when the transgender female living as a man is forced to go to the women’s restroom? Of course they would and they would probably call the police and then another can of worms is opened when the police arrive. The essence of the bill is that we have to use the gender specific bathroom that corresponds to the gender that is on our birth certificate. How is this going to be monitored? Will the jobs that we lose in NC due to corporations pulling out or not even considering NC in the first place be replaced by restroom monitors? Do we need to carry business card size replicas of our birth certificates? It’s all ridiculous!
Point 4: The lawsuits. They have already started. NC is going to have to come up with untold numbers of dollars to fight the myriad of lawsuits that are going to stem from this. Besides losing jobs, the citizens of NC will also have to deal with the costs of fighting this discriminatory law in federal court.
Other issues up for discussion stemming from HB2 are also disability rights, Title IX funding and the list continues to grow as more and more segments of the populace realize they are affected by this piece of crap legislation.
Bottom line: Don’t be passive in your opinions to this. Your state representatives as well as national representatives need to know how unhappy we are. The state of NC is a laughing stock in the eyes of the nation right now. We are last in education but first in discrimination. We in NC deserve better than this and we are a better people than what this law represents.