Has anyone else out there had enough of this month? Snow, ice, cold rain, wild temperature swings, irritating people...this month has had it all. I've had work delays, work irritations, work power outages, home improvements, home irritations, home bound, church meetings, church irritations, church sorrows, church happiness, and then I fell down. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I fell again and messed up my left ankle. For faithful readers, you may remember March 2011 when I fell getting up off the couch. That resulted in a foot broken in two places and a slight tendon tear. This time I wasn't quite as spastic. It happened this past Sunday. Church got out at 11:55pm so I decided to swing by Chipotle and pick up some lunch. After getting my "burrito bowl" to go and pulling back on Glenwood Ave. I decided to swing into the CVS for sinus meds. As I was returning to the car I stepped off the curb. That's all it took. My ankle twisted and gave way and down I went, in the parking lot. I managed to cut my knee and tear a perfectly good pair of pants. However, I did manage to miss the bumper of my car by about an inch. Only saving grace. I had two onlookers. The first one just ignored me and went back to his Red Box selection. The second, who was sitting in her car, asked if I was ok and then got out and helped me get into my car. I drove from there to Duke Urgent Care and managed to get someone to get me a wheelchair so I could get in the place. X-rays showed nothing broken, just a bad sprain. So I'm back in the boot and back on the crutches. Hopefully neither will be needed long. My arms are already aching after just 2 days. At least I'm getting an upper body workout!

Other than that, the only thing that is really going on is Relay for Life prep. I ordered a very nice (at least I think so since I designed it) banner for the event. It's generic for church use so we should be able to use it for several years or until it tears or wears out. Whichever comes first. For anyone interested, and I know ALL of you are. The Relay event I'm participating in is the Relay for Life Leesville/Brier Creek/RTP that will be on May 30th-31st at Leesville Road High School. If interested in participating or in being a sponsor/making a donation, please use this link.
The only other news from March is that after 3 years, I am off my anxiety medication. YAY!!!!!!!!!! At least for now anyway. It's been 2 weeks. It has taken me the last 3 months to ween myself off. I found out the hard way that you can't just stop cold turkey. The body does not like that. I went from a 1mg tablet 2 times a day to a .5mg tablet 2 times a day to then just 1 .5mg tablet daily. On March 7 I had my last .5mg tablet. Since then it's been nothing, nada, zilch! I must say it is nice not to have to take them. Now if I could only get my sinuses to behave (spring, it's lovely but brutal on my allergies). So far in March I have had major headaches and sniffles. Mid May can't get here soon enough for me. That's usually about the time that I start to acclimate to the spring. Until then I sniffle, sneeze, wheeze and blow my nose.
One other thing this month is my reservation at Holden Beach for the summer. I made a deal with my sister and family that if I got the house rented, would they provide the food. Phyllis & Woodie took the deal so we are set for July. Another YAY!!!!!!!!! New house, so other than the location (Holden Beach) it shouldn't be too sad. At least I'm hopeful. An opportunity to make new memories. As usual, I want to thank everyone for all the support, prayers and good wishes. It's you who keep me going!