Joe had his first chemo treatment of 2012 Thursday morning. And WOW what a morning! Ok, ok, WOW might be overdoing it with fake enthusiasm just a bit. But there was one good thing....Joe got out of chemo in record time - before 10:00 a.m.. That might not seem like much but in our world it's a big deal. Especially since we get there so early, 7a.m. We weren't the only ones who were tired and sleepy while in the waiting room. This lady just gave up and took a nap.
For the month of January his chemo appointments will be on Thursdays since last Monday was a holiday for the Duke Clinic employees. It also means that when the February treatments start, he'll get an extra 3 days off before the cycle begins. Don't worry if you don't understand, I've managed to confuse myself as well.
Of course, as usual, Joe had trouble sleeping last night as he normally does on chemo nights. The steroids they give him work against him sleeping. Even with ambien, benadryl, tylenol and sleepy time tea, it was after 2a.m. before he was able to get to sleep. One culprit however, and this is just my opinion, is his addiction to "Words with Friends" on his iPad2. I have no idea how many games he has going at the moment, but last night, even in the wee hours he was on the sofa with iPad in his lap playing.
At least he was dressed in appropriate DUKE attire. Not that he cares, but I like it!
Thanks to everyone for all the warm holiday wishes and prayers. We appreciate all the support and outpouring of love.